ANILAM G Code List for CNC Mill Controls like 6000M
G-codes initiate motion commands, canned cycles and various machine and CNC functions.
More than one G-code may be specified per block.
If a block contains conflicting G-codes, an Error message will appear.

Anilam G Code List – CNC Mill 6000M
Anilam G Code List – CNC Mill
G-Code Function
G0 Positioning-Rapid Travers
G1 Linear Interpolation-Feed
G2 Circular Interpolation-CW
G3 Circular Interpolation-CCW
G4 Dwell
G5 Ellipse
G9 Exact Stop Check
G22 Stored Stroke Limit ON
G28 Return to Machine Home
G29 Return from Machine Home
G31 Probe Move
G40 Tool Radius Compensation, Cancel
G41 Tool Radius Compensation (Left)
G42 Tool Radius Compensation (Right)
G45 Mold Rotation
G49 Elbow Milling
G53 Work Coordinate System
G59 Modal Corner Rounding
G60 Modal Corner Rounding Off
G61 Exact Stop Check Mode
G62 Automatic Feed Override for Arcs
G63 Automatic Feed Override for Arcs Cancel
G64 Cutting Mode (Continuous Path ON)
G65 User Macro Single Call
G66 User Macro Modal Call
G67 User Macro Modal Call Cancel
G68 Coordinate System Rotation (Axis Rotation)
G70 Inch Programming
G71 MM Programming
G72 Axis Scaling
G73 Draft Pocket Milling Cycle
G75 Frame Milling
G76 Hole Milling Cycle
G77 Circular Pocket Cycle
G78 Rectangular Pocket Cycle
G79 Bolt Hole Circle Cycle
G80 Cancel Modal Drilling
G81 Basic Drilling Cycle
G82 Counterbore Drilling Cycle
G83 Basic Peck Cycle
G84 Tapping Cycle
G85 Basic Bore Cycle
G86 Uni-directional Boring Cycle
G87 Chip Break Drilling Cycle
G89 Flat Bottom Bore Cycle
G90 Absolute Programming
G91 Incremental Programming
G92 Absolute Zero Preset
G94 Per Minute Feed
G95 Per Revolution Feed
G169 Area Clearance
G170 Facing Cycle
G171 Circular Profile Cycle
G172 Rectangular Profile Cycle
G177 Plunge Circular Pocket
G178 Plunge Rectangular Pocket
G179 Hole Pattern Drilling
G181 Thread Mill Cycle