Fanuc Alarm Description
Fanuc 15i
[External data I/O]
The No. specified for a program No. or sequence No. search could not be found.
There was an I/O request issued for a pot No. or offset (tool data), but either no tool numbers have been input since power ON or there is no data for the entered tool No.
[External workpiece No. search]
The program corresponding to the specified workpiece No. could not be found.
Fanuc 10/11/12/15
This alarm occurs in the following cases:
– The number specified for a program number or sequence number search during external data input could not be found.
– The number specified for a workpiece number search could not be found.
– There was an I/O request issued for a pot number or offset (tool data), but either no tool numbers have been input since power–on or there is no data for the entered tool number.