Haas Parameter 644 X INDEXER INCREMENT
Note that only Parameters 647 and 648 for the A and B axes are intended to be used, and only on Horizontal Mills fitted with a Rotary Indexer. The Rotary Indexer is a device that holds a part to be machined and rotates in onedegree increments. It can rotate only in rapid motion (G00), it cannot rotate in a feed motion (G01). It can be jogged by pressing a jog button, or with a jog handle. Before it can be rotated, air is applied to lift the indexer from its clamped position. The message, A UNCLMP (for example) will appear at the bottom of the screen, and remain as long as the rotary indexer is in the up position. When the commanded position is reached, the indexer automatically moves forward or backward to the closest proper locking angle, then settle into its clamped position.The locking angle is computed from the Indexer Increment parameter which is in units of one-thousandth of a degree. For example, if the A-axis Indexer Increment parameter is set to 1000 (1.0 degrees) and the A-axis is jogged to 25.5 degrees, when the operator leaves jog mode, the indexer will automatically settle and clamp itself at 26.0 degrees. If the parameter contains a 1 (one-thousandth of a degree) or less, the rotary indexer feature is turned off and a regular rotary platform is assumed.
Haas Parameter 644 X INDEXER INCREMENT