Fanuc cnc controls has no direct threading cycle for cutting multi start threads on cnc. But you can cut multi start threads on a cnc with fanuc control by using Fanuc G76 Threading Cycle.
Related: Fanuc G76 Thread Cycle for Dummies

Multi Start Threads with Fanuc G76 Threading Cycle
There are multiple techniques for cutting multi-start threads on cnc with Fanuc G76 threading cycle. Here is one of them.
This cnc programming example uses cnc subprogram call to cut multi-start threads on Fanuc cnc.
CNC Main program
N50 G00 X48 Z5 N60 M98 P0034713
CNC Sub Program
N10 G76 P020000 Q100 R0.05 N20 G76 X42 Z-15 P974 Q200 F4.5 N30 G00 W1.5 N40 M99
The above cnc main program calls the 4713 sub-program three times.
For Fanuc G76 Threading Cycle complete help see CNC Fanuc G76 Threading Cycle