Okuma Alarm-A 1355 Tow-along steady rest connected
1->Traverse Command is issued when engaged code is on.
2->G00, G01, G03, G31, G32, G33, G34, or G35 is issued during Automatic Tow-Along Steady Rest engaging cycle.
3->Traverse Command, Not ZA-Traverse Command, is issued during Automatic Tow-Along Steady Rest engaging cycle.
4->While automatic Tow-Along Steady Rest is connection mode, axis command of the negative direction from parameter set data was designated.
5->While automatic Tow-Along Steady Rest is connection mode and a touch setter was not a retract position, axis command of the negative direction from parameter set data was designated.
Measures to Take
1->During a Steady Rest connection mode, axis movement is only possible by pulse handle.