Okuma Alarm-A 1738 Turret rotation impossible

Okuma Alarm-A 1738 Turret rotation impossible
A turret index command was issued while the parameter bit for turret pulse handle feed is ON.


1->A turret pulse handle mode or B turret pulse handle mode of M/C User Parameter is ON.
2->The NC turret backlash adjustment bit of the M/C system parameter is ON.
3->Turret Index Command is issued,when not returned turret home position after power on.
4->In the spec of B-axis 1/1000 control:

Turret revolution was performed by the state of High-pressure Brake.

5->In the case of special motor brake control, the M65 command is designated.

Measures to Take
1)Set OFF the parameter.
4)Adjust the state of High-pressure Brake.

Okuma Alarm-A 1738 Turret rotation impossible