Okuma Alarm-A 8577 Axis interlock
1->A XA-axis movement command is given while the system is in the axis interlock state.
2->A XB-axis movement command is given while the system is in the axis interlock state.
3->A ZA-axis movement command is given while the system is in the axis interlock state.
4->A ZB-axis movement command is given while the system is in the axis interlock state.
5->A spindle command is given while the system is in the spindle interlock state.
6->A axis or spindle or turret command is given while the system is in the all-axis interlock state.
7->ZA/XA/YA-axis movement command was issued when the attachment is not clamped, or not unclamed.
8->B-turret movement command was issued, when the tool clamp equipment was neither [tool clamp and capto unclamp] condition nor [tool unclamp and capto clamp]condition.
9->B-turret movement command was issued, when B-turret control switch was selected in ineffective mode.
10->The rapid feed command is issued when the tool index command (M602/M603) is not completed.