Okuma Alarm-A 8589 Chip conveyor faulty

Okuma Alarm-A 8589 Chip conveyor faulty

none->Chip coveyer failed.

If “1” is set at MC USER PARAMETER No.19 CHIP CONVEYER “1. Chip conveyer overload/illegal alarmD” the alarm D 4892 Chip conveyor faulty occurs instead of this alarm.

1->The chip conveyor failed. The chip conveyor alarm/signal (I.0243) kept OFF for a second or longer.
2->Chip coveyer becomes full by cutting tips.

If “1” is set at MC USER PARAMETER No.19 CHIP CONVEYER “1. Chip conveyer N.G. alarm-D” the alarm D 4892 Chip conveyer N.G. occurs instead of this alarm.

3->The running mode of the chip conveyor was not coupling operation mode during machine auto mode.
4->The chip conveyor action signal kept OFF for parameter value.
10->Chip conveyor switch is manual mode.
11->The Coolant lowlevel signal with the chip conveyor coolant tank kept OFF for 1[s] or longer.
12->The drum filter is clogged.

Measures to Take
4->Confirm a chip conveyor action mode, and condition.

Okuma Alarm-A 8589 Chip conveyor faulty