Okuma Alarm-B 2279 SUB PROGRAM stack
Subprogram nesting level is higher than eight.
Or the number of RTS statements used to return to the program where the subprogram was called has exceeded the number of
CALL statements calling for a subprogram.
Or the number of MODOUT statements canceling MODIN mode is larger than the number of MODIN statements.
Nesting level of call after axis movement command exceeds 8.
Cancel of the call after axis movement command does not correspond to the level of the call after axis movement command.
1->The number of RTS statements is too much.
2->Nesting level of subprograms is higher than eight.
3->The number of MODOUT statements is too much.
4->Nesting level of MODIN mode is higher than eight.
5->Mismatch in levels where MODIN mode is called and canceled.
Probable Faulty Locations
1)The number of CALL, RTS, MODIN, and MODOUT statements in a part program
2)Program error
Program Example:
Code 3 appears.
N100 MODIN O100 N110 G00 X100 Z100 N120 X50 Z50 N130 MODOUT N140 MODOUT
Measures to Take
Check the nesting level and the number of CALL, RTS, MODIN and MODOUT statements in a part program referring to the code number. Then correct as needed.
[Related Specifications]
User task 2