Okuma Alarm-B 2292 Restart failure

Okuma Alarm-B 2292 Restart failure

Probable Faulty Locations
Improper Restart Command: Most likely; Start Key is pressed, before Sequence Return is completed.

1->2-Saddle Lathe: Start Key is pressed; after only one of Programmed Turret A/B Restart Commands is issued.

Example, 2-Saddle Lathe:
Key in [A] RE N100, and press Enter Key. Press Start Key.

2->Start Key is pressed; after Restart Command is executed.

Example, 2-Saddle Lathe:
Key in [A] RE N100, and press Enter Key.
Key in [B] RE N150, and press Enter Key.
Press Start Key.
Example, 1-Saddle Lathe:
Key in RE N100, and press Enter Key.

3->Turret B Restart Command is issued;during Turret A Independent Operation.

Example, during Turret A Independent Operation:
Key in [B] RE N200, and press Enter Key. Press Start Key.
Turret A Restart Command is issued;during Turret B Independent Operation.
M02 or M30 Command is issued; before Traverse is completed.
Restart is commanded; with No Program, selected.

4->2-Saddle Lathe: Turret A/B cannot return to a Specified Position (Synchronizing is Not completed).

Sample Program:
In case Returning Position is as underlined, below;
Turret A comes to stop on P20, and wait for Synchronization, and comes out of Waiting on P30, while Turret B returns to

Returning Position before P30. Consequently, Turret A
Sequence Return cannot be completed.

Turret 		A Turret B
G13 		G14
G140 		G141
G0 X100 	G0 X200
... 		...
... 		P10
P20 		...
... 		...
G0 Z100 	G0 Z200
... 		...
... 		P30
P40 		...

5->with Y-Axis: Restart to Y-Mode is commanded; when Mode is Not Y-Axis Mode.
6->with Y-Axis: Restart to Mode, which is Not Y-Axis Mode, is commanded; when Mode is Y-Axis Mode.
7->Concerning LAW-F machine, when Z axis is not plus variable limit, at restart command is designated.
8->When it is not a single block, at restart command is designated.
9->It instructed in the block where an attachment different from a present attachment was used.
10->It instructed in the block that became an actual directio of attachment and a different direction of attachment.
11->Restart command was executed in block between M1138 command line and M1137 command line or program end command line when “the touch setter measurement function” was effective.

Okuma Alarm-B 2292 Restart failure