Okuma Alarm-B 2360 NOSE-R COMP. NOSE-R > circle-R
Point of intersection cannot be calculated since the radius of the designated arc is smaller than nose radius.
1->When obtaining the point of intersection – straight line to arc
2->When obtaining the point of intersection – arc to straight line
3->When obtaining the point of intersection – arc to arc
4->The arc radius in the sequence following the G41/G42 sequence is smaller than nose radius.
Probable Faulty Locations
Faulty program, or error in setting the nose R compensation value
Program Example:
N010 G42 X-- Z-- T010101 (nose R: 0.5) : N015 G02 X-- Z-- I1 Nose R compensation value (tool data set) N01 X5.000 Z5.000
Measures to Take
Check the arc radius command in nose R compensation mode ON program and also the nose R compensation value.
The nose R compensation data is set at the nose R compensation field on the tool data setting screen. The set value is called by the number of field where “**” of “T** …” is set.
In the example program above, nose R compensation value is set as 5 mm although correct value is 0.5 mm; correct the setting.
N01 20X0.500 Z0.500