Okuma Alarm-B 2386 LAP Sequence name

Okuma Alarm-B 2386 LAP Sequence name
In the block containing G85 or G86 calling for LAP mode, no sequence name is designated, or the designated sequence name is
not found in the program.
G85: Calls rough bar turning cycle.
G86: Calls rough copy turning cycle.


1->No sequence name is designated in G85 or G86 block.
2->The block assigned with the sequence name specified is not found.

Probable Faulty Locations
Program error
Program Example:

N010 G85 D8 F1 U0.5 W0.2

Measures to Take
Check the LAP sequence name.
In the example program above, sequence name is not designated;designate the sequence name in this block.

N010 G85 NLAP1 D8 F1 U0.5 W0.2
Okuma Alarm-B 2386 LAP Sequence name