Okuma Alarm-B 2916 EXPRESSION Syntax

Okuma Alarm-B 2916 EXPRESSION Syntax
Syntax of an expression is incorrect
(In case of loader)

1->An attempt is made to excute subscript calculation while in subscript calculation.
2->No ‘[‘ at the beginning of a subscript expression.
3->More than one subscript exressions.
4->Mismatch in the numbers of left brackets and right brackets.
5->ncorrect number of operands which the operator has.
6->The sequence ends while in an expression.
7->More than one answer for the expression.
(In case of robot)

1->Three or more subscripts were appended.
2->Right and left elements do not correspond normally.
3->The expression contains an illegal operator.

Probable Faulty Locations
Program error

Okuma Alarm-B 2916 EXPRESSION Syntax