Okuma Alarm-C 3762 ACC step time over

Okuma Alarm-C 3762 ACC step time over
A step of operation took more than 120[s] during the execution of an ACC sequence.

XXXXXXXX:The limit switch status for each component of the ACC upon the occurrence of alarm

Probable Faulty Locations
Failure of a limit or proximity switch for ACC sequence check, a cut wire in the input signal circuit, failure of a hydraulic or air solenoid switch for ACC operation, a cut wire in the solenoid operation signal circuit, or faulty hydraulic or air circuit. The faulty ACC sequence limit switch is indicated on the ‘ACC CONDITION’ screen in AUTO, MDI, and MANUAL OPERATION mode when this alarm occurs due to machine interference. Find the faulty switch and take corrective action.

Okuma Alarm-C 3762 ACC step time over