Sinumerik Alarm 16400 Channel %1 block %2 positioning axis %3 cannot participate in spline

Sinumerik Alarm 16400 Channel %1 block %2 positioning axis %3 cannot participate in spline

%1 = Channel number
%2 = Block number, label
%3 = Axis name, spindle number

An axis assigned to a spline grouping (n) with SPLINEPATH (n, AX1, AX2, …) has been programmed as positioning axis with POS or POSA.

– Alarm display.
– Interface signals are set.
– Correction block is reorganized.

Do not assign the positioning axis to the spline grouping.

Program Continuation:
Clear alarm with NC START or RESET key and continue the program.


  1. Siemens Diagnostics Guide by Siemens
Sinumerik Alarm 16400 Channel %1 block %2 positioning axis %3 cannot participate in spline