Sinumerik Alarm 20123 Axis %1: different output assignment of multiplied tables

Sinumerik Alarm 20123 Axis %1: different output assignment of multiplied tables

%1 = Axis name, spindle number

IInterpolatory compensation with tables. The two tables whose outputs are to be multiplied together have different output axes assigned to them. The compensation in this axis is automatically switched off.

– Alarm display.
– Interface signals are set.

Please inform the authorized personnel/service department. Check and correct the characteristic data in the compensation table ($AN_CEC_OUTPUT_AXIS and $AN_CEC_MULT_BY_TABLE). If the error cannot be found, the alarm can be suppressed by switching off the compensation in the axis ($MA_CEC_ENABLE) or the tables, ($SN_CEC_TABLE_ENABLE).

Program Continuation:
Clear alarm with the RESET key. Restart part program


  1. Siemens Diagnostics Guide by Siemens
Sinumerik Alarm 20123 Axis %1: different output assignment of multiplied tables