Sinumerik Alarm 20141 Channel %1 motion synchronous action: illegal axis type

Sinumerik Alarm 20141 Channel %1 motion synchronous action: illegal axis type

%1 = Channel number

The requested command is not permissible in the current axis status for the command axis or spindle. This alarm occurs with command axes (POS, MOV), spindle commands from motion synchronous actions (M3/M4/M5, SPOS), coupled motion (TRAILON, TRAILOF) and lead value coupling (LEADON, LEADOF).

– NC Start disable in this channel.
– NC Stop on alarm.
– Alarm display.
– Interface signals are set.

First stop the axis or deactivate the coupling, then select a new status.

Program Continuation:
Clear alarm with the RESET key. Restart part program


  1. Siemens Diagnostics Guide by Siemens
Sinumerik Alarm 20141 Channel %1 motion synchronous action: illegal axis type