Sinumerik Alarm 4011 Channel %1 invalid identifier used in machine data %2[%3]

Sinumerik Alarm 4011 Channel %1 invalid identifier used in machine data %2[%3]

%1 = Channel number
%2 = String: MD identifier
%3 = Index: MD array index

When defining names in the channel-specific tables for geometry axes and channel axes,one of the following syntax rules for the identifier to be entered has been violated:
• The identifier must be an NC address letter (A, B, C, I, J, K, U, V, W, X, Y, Z), possibly with a numerical extension (840D: 1-99, FM-NC: 1-9).
• The identifier must begin with 2 arbitrary capital letters but not with $ (reserved for system variable).
• The identifier must not be a keyword of the NC language (e.g. POSA).

– Alarm display.
– Interface signals are set.
– NC not ready.
– Mode group not ready, also effective for single axes
– NC Start disable in this channel.
– NC Stop on alarm.

Please inform the authorized personnel/service department.Enter the identifier for user defined names with correct syntax in the displayed MD.
• Geometry axes: 20060 AXCONF_GEOAX_NAME_TAB.
• Channel axes: 10000 AXCONF_MACHAX_NAME_TAB.

Program Continuation:
Switch control OFF – ON.


  1. Siemens Diagnostics Guide by Siemens
Sinumerik Alarm 4011 Channel %1 invalid identifier used in machine data %2[%3]