Sinumerik Alarm 4240 Runtime overflow for IPO cycle or position controller cycle, IP %1
%1 = Program location
The settings for the interpolation and position control cycle were modified before the last power-up such that too little computing time is now available for the requisite cyclic task. The alarm occurs immediately after power-up if too little runtime is available even when the axes are stationary and the NC program has not started. However, task overflow can occur only when computation-intensive NC functions are called during program execution.
– NC not ready.
– Mode group not ready, also effective for single axes
– Alarm reaction delay is canceled.
– NC Start disable in this channel.
– NC Stop on alarm.
– The NC switches to follow-up mode.
– Alarm display.
– Interface signals are set.
Please inform the authorized personnel/service department.Take greater care when optimizing the clock times NCK MD 10050 SYSCLOCK_CYCLE_TIME, MD 10060 POSCTRL_SYSCLOCK_TIME_RATIO and/or MD 10070 IPO_SYSCLOCK_TIME_RATIO.The test should be performed with an NC program that represents the worst case.For safety, a margin of 15 to 25% should be added to the times determined in this way.
Program Continuation:
Switch control OFF – ON.
- Siemens Diagnostics Guide by Siemens