CNC machines work by following the commands or instructions (G-codes / M-codes) which are given in Part Program. Here are G-codes for Fanuc cnc control which are necessary for a cnc machinists to learn to understand cnc programming.
Fanuc G-Code List (Lathe)
G code | Description |
G00 | Rapid traverse |
G01 | Linear interpolation |
G02 | Circular interpolation CW |
G03 | Circular interpolation CCW |
G04 | Dwell |
G09 | Exact stop |
G10 | Programmable data input |
G20 | Input in inch |
G21 | Input in mm |
G22 | Stored stroke check function on |
G23 | Stored stroke check function off |
G27 | Reference position return check |
G28 | Return to reference position |
G32 | Thread cutting |
G40 | Tool nose radius compensation cancel |
G41 | Tool nose radius compensation left |
G42 | Tool nose radius compensation right |
G70 | Finish machining cycle |
G71 | Turning cycle |
G72 | Facing cycle |
G73 | Pattern repeating cycle |
G74 | Peck drilling cycle |
G75 | Grooving cycle |
G76 | Threading cycle |
G92 | Coordinate system setting or max. spindle speed setting |
G94 | Feed Per Minute |
G95 | Feed Per Revolution |
G96 | Constant surface speed control |
G97 | Constant surface speed control cancel |
Fanuc G-Code List (Mill)
G code | Description |
G00 | Rapid traverse |
G01 | Linear interpolation |
G02 | Circular interpolation CW |
G03 | Circular interpolation CCW |
G04 | Dwell |
G17 | X Y plane selection |
G18 | Z X plane selection |
G19 | Y Z plane selection |
G28 | Return to reference position |
G30 | 2nd, 3rd and 4th reference position return |
G40 | Cutter compensation cancel |
G41 | Cutter compensation left |
G42 | Cutter compensation right |
G43 | Tool length compensation + direction |
G44 | Tool length compensation – direction |
G49 | Tool length compensation cancel |
G53 | Machine coordinate system selection |
G54 | Workpiece coordinate system 1 selection |
G55 | Workpiece coordinate system 2 selection |
G56 | Workpiece coordinate system 3 selection |
G57 | Workpiece coordinate system 4 selection |
G58 | Workpiece coordinate system 5 selection |
G59 | Workpiece coordinate system 6 selection |
G68 | Coordinate rotation |
G69 | Coordinate rotation cancel |
G73 | Peck drilling cycle |
G74 | Left-spiral cutting circle |
G76 | Fine boring cycle |
G80 | Canned cycle cancel |
G81 | Drilling cycle, spot boring cycle |
G82 | Drilling cycle or counter boring cycle |
G83 | Peck drilling cycle |
G84 | Tapping cycle |
G85 | Boring cycle |
G86 | Boring cycle |
G87 | Back boring cycle |
G88 | Boring cycle |
G89 | Boring cycle |
G90 | Absolute command |
G91 | Increment command |
G92 | Setting for work coordinate system or clamp at maximum spindle speed |
G98 | Return to initial point in canned cycle |
G99 | Return to R point in canned cycle |