Haas Parameter 737 COMMON SWITCH 5
- 0 LOCK OUT KBD TL CHG – When set to 1, no tool change performed when Power-Up-Restart is pressed. Also, when Power-Up-Restart, ATC FWD, ATC REV or Next Tool is pressed, TOOL CH LOCKED is displayed.
- 1 (L) SPARE .
- 1 (M) ROTARY INDEX BUTTON – Activates Rotary Index button on the remote control panel of the EC300 and EC1600. The button controls the A-axis rotary table. Setting 164 is used to set the rotary increment.
- 2 EXTENDED MEMORY – Provides access to the full 16 megabytes of memory, if installed. When set to 0, usable memory is limited to 1 megabyte. Note that to set this bit to 1 requires an unlock code. A separate unlock code is also required to set this bit to zero, to prevent accidentally turning off the feature. Before changing this bit to zero, ensure that less than 1 megabyte of memory is in use or G-code programs will be deleted/truncated resulting in memory corruption alarms.
- 3 SPARE .
- 4 SPARE .
- 5 SPARE .
- 6 SPARE .
- 7 WORKLIGHT VIA SKBIF – Set to 1 when the high voltage switch cable and corresponding high voltage switch in pendant is replaced by a cable from the SKBIF to a low voltage switch in the pendant. Otherwise, it is set to zero.
- 8 SPINDLE MOTOR DRIVES C-AXIS – The capability of driving the C-axis with the spindle motor has been added to the software. To enable this feature the bit must be set to 1.
- 10 ENABLE HARD DRIVE – Enables the MainCon onboard memory, which behaves like a hard drive. Can only be enabled with an unlock code.
- 11 ENABLE NETWORKING – Enables the networking feature of the MainCon board. Requires an unlock code to enable.
- 12 ENABLE SECOND USB – Enables the second USB port of the MainCon board. Requires an unlock code to enable.
- 13 TOOL ARM ON HOME SW – When parameter 710 TOOL CHANGER TYPE is set to 11, this bit enables the usage of the axis home switch instead of the tool arm origin switch for the tool changer arm axis. This bit should be set to 1 when the tool changer double arm has the axis home switch as the origin switch. Currently, only the DT-1 has this configuration.
- 14 CE OPERATOR KEY – If set to 1, the key installed in the position marked “Run Mode/Setup Mode” is used. That key will allow existing normal operation but will only allow E-stop, Cycle-Start, and Feed-Hold in Run Mode.
- 15 SIX SIDED ENVELOPE – A region with six sides where the lathe axes can move freely without restrictions, bounded by X and Y max travels. If set to 1, this six sided envelope is used. If it is set to 0, a five sided envelop will be used.