Okuma Alarm-A 1809 Manual command time over

Okuma Alarm-A 1809 Manual command time over
The answer signal for a commanded manual operation (hand opening/closing, swing, wrist rotation, etc.) did not turn ON within the time specified by the M/C parameter or the answer limit switch failed (for CE-marked OR robot/OGL loader types).
OR robot types: No. 11-1 NC robot No.6 ‘Manual Command Completion Time’
OGL loader types: No. 8-4 NC loader No.4 ‘Manual Command Completion Time’

None->Time over happens by OGL loader manual operation.
1->Time over happens by turn over unit operation.

Probable Faulty Locations
1)A faulty answer signal
2)An operation error (a manual operation command other than specified)

Okuma Alarm-A 1809 Manual command time over