Okuma Alarm-A 1832 Unloader advance/retract interlock

Okuma Alarm-A 1832 Unloader advance/retract interlock

1->An unloader advance/retract command was issued with the spindle moving or the spindle moved during the execution of an unloader advance/retract command.
2->An unloader advance command was issued with the chuck open or the chuck opened during the execution of an unloader advance command.
3->An unloader retract command was issued with the chuck closed or the chuck closed during the execution of an unloader retract command.
4->An unloader advance/retract command was issued with the headstock not at the home position or the headstock left the home position during the execution of an unloader advance/retract command.
5->An unloader advance/retract command was issued in a mode other than LINK or LINK mode was exited during the execution of an unloader advance/retract command.

Okuma Alarm-A 1832 Unloader advance/retract interlock