Okuma Alarm-B 2230 EXPRESSION calculation error
Calculation error of expression
Bit0->Overflow in addition
Bit1->Overflow in converting ABS data into integer
Bit2->Conversion form BCD to BIN
Bit3->Conversion form BIN to BCD
Bit4->DROUND, DFIX and DFUP command were designated in other than mm unit system.
Bit1->Overflow in converting ABS data into integer
Bit2->Conversion form BCD to BIN
Bit3->Conversion form BIN to BCD
Bit4->DROUND, DFIX and DFUP command were designated in other than mm unit system.
YY:Floating-point calculation error
Bit0Overflow in converting into integer
Bit1->Exponential underflow
Bit2->Exponential overflow
Bit3->Calculation of root of a negative number
Bit4->Division by 0
Bit5->Angle overflow
Okuma Alarm-B 2230 EXPRESSION calculation errorBit1->Exponential underflow
Bit2->Exponential overflow
Bit3->Calculation of root of a negative number
Bit4->Division by 0
Bit5->Angle overflow