Okuma Alarm-D 4849 Coolant level

Okuma Alarm-D 4849 Coolant level
Coolant is running short or overflown.

None->The coolant level low switch (I/O check NO.34 INPUT bit 0 iCOL/) kept OFF for a second or longer.
2->The coolant level lower limit switch (I/O check NO.43 INPUT bit AiCLLST/) kept OFF for a second or longer.
3->The coolant overflow switch (I/O check NO.43 INPUT bit B iCLOF/) kept OFF for a second or longer.
4->The coolant level low 2 switch (I/O check NO.35 INPUT bit F iCOL2/) kept OFF for a second or longer.
5->The coolant level low switch (I/O check NO.35 INPUT bit D iCOLL/) kept OFF for a second or longer.
6->The input signal of coolant level shortage (I/O check NO.36 INPUT bit 5 iCOLLON/)is OFF which is longer than 1 second.
7->The coolant level low switch (I/O check NO.37 INPUT bit 8 iCOLWN/) did not flow beyond fixed time at the time of the coolant level low output ON.

Fixed time: “The coolant level low switch timer”

8->The coolant water supply level/ singal kept OFF over than confirmation taimer by parameter.
16->The Coolant overflow signal kept OFF for 1[s] or longer.
17->The Coolant lowlevel signal with the machine coolant tank kept OFF for 1[s] or longer.
18->The Coolant lowlevel signal with the additional coolant tank kept OFF for 1[s] or longer.
19->’Coolant water supply overflow /’ signal kept OFF for 1[s] or longer.
20->The Coolant uplevel signal with the machine coolant tank kept OFF for 1[s] or longer.

Probable Faulty Locations
1)Coolant level
2)Float switch position
3)Malfunction of float switch

Measures to Take
1)Replenish coolant.
2)Check the float switch.
3)Change the float switch.

Okuma Alarm-D 4849 Coolant level