A very brief and informative video by Haas Automation for CNC machinists which explains how to properly cut cnc lathe soft jaws for ID gripping.

CNC Lathe Soft Jaws Cutting for ID Gripping
It is highly recommended that you first watch Part 1 video, which explains how to properly cut soft jaws for OD outside gripping as well as describes many fundamentals of cnc lathe jaws cutting,
Part 1: CNC Lathe Soft Jaws Proper Boring/Cutting Method – Video by Haas
CNC Lathe Pie Jaws
This video explains many interesting fundamentals about cnc lathe jaws and soft jaws cutting, like this video briefly explains where and when to use Pie Jaws on cnc lathe machines for component ID gripping.
Pie jaws prevent thin wall component deformation, as gripping force is distributed evenly.

CNC Lathe Pie Jaws
CNC Lathe Jaw Boring Ring
In this video Adjustable jaw boring ring is used for soft jaws cutting.

CNC Lathe Jaw Boring Ring
Re-Cutting Soft Jaws
This video also demonstrates how and why to re-cut your soft-jaws. As re-cutting of soft jaws is almost a normal routine work in a cnc machine workshop, which have multiple cnc lathe machines.
G71 Rough Turning Cycle
In this video Haas G71 Turning Cycle is used for cutting. For details and programming of G71 turning cycle read below articles