CNC Lathe Machine CNC Program Examples

CNC Turning Center Programming Example
Easy to understand CNC turning center/cnc lathe programming example for cnc machinists who work on cnc turning centers/cnc lathe machines. This cnc programming example can be used as a cnc…

G02 G03 Programming Example
CNC program example to show how two combined arc can be programmed with G02 G03 for a cnc lathe. First arc is programmed using G02 R, but the second arc is…

Fanuc G71 Turning Cycle
Fanuc G71 Turning Cycle G71 turning cycle is used for rough-material removal from a cnc lathe component. G71 turning cycle makes large diameter cutting easy. Cutting can be done in simple…

Fanuc G71 G72 G70 Canned Cycle CNC Lathe Internal Machining Example (Boring & Facing )
Fanuc programming example which shows the use of multiple fanuc canned cycle in cnc programming, Following canned cycle are used in this cnc lathe programming example G71 Rough Turning Cycle…

CNC Lathe Basic Programming Example ID/OD Turning/Boring Operations (No Canned Cycle Used)
A full CNC programming example with ID/OD (Turning/Boring operations) for cnc machinists who work on a cnc lathe machine. A must to learn/practice for those who are learning cnc programming….

Haas G72 Type I Rough and G70 Finish Facing Cycle Program Example – Fanuc Compatible
Haas lathe programming example to illustrate the use and programming of Haas G72 Type I Rough Facing Cycle/ G70 Finish Cycle. The above code will also work on cnc lathe…

Fanuc Lathe Programming Example Using G70, G71, G74 for ID Machining
Fanuc lathe programming example which uses Fanuc canned cycle G71 Turning Cycle G70 Finish Cycle G74 Peck Drilling Cycle This Fanuc lathe programming example illustrates who to use G71 Turning…

CNC Lathe Programming Exercise Fanuc G71 Turning Cycle, G74 Peck Drilling Cycle
CNC programming exercise for cnc lathe machinists who work on Fanuc cnc control (or similar cnc control). This cnc programming exercise use Fanuc G71 Turning Cycle Fanuc G74 Peck Drilling…

CNC Arc Programming G02 G03 Example
CNC arc programming example this cnc program shows how two arcs G03 G02 can be joint together. CNC Arc Programming G02 G03 Example O0001 N001 G0 X40 Z5; (Rapid position)…

G71 Rough Turning Cycle Example Code – CNC Lathe Programming
G71 Turning Cycle G71 Rough Turning Cycle example code. This cnc program code works on Fanuc and similar cnc controls. G71 Rough Turning Cycle parameters explanation CNC Fanuc G71 Turning…

CNC Lathe Simple G Code Example – G code Programming for Beginners
CNC lathe simple g code example for CNC machinists/CNC programmers who just started their journey to learn CNC programming. Simple G Code Example CNC Lathe O0001 N5 M12 N10 T0101…

Fanuc Circular Interpolation G02 G Code Example
Fanuc Circular Interpolation Fanuc Circular Interpolation commands (G02, G03 G Codes) are used to move a tool along a circular arc. G02 – Circular Interpolation Clockwise. G03 – Circular Interpolation…

Newbie CNC Machinists a Basic CNC Canned Cycle Example G90
Basic CNC Canned Cycle Example Program for Newbie CNC Machinists A basic cnc programming exercise for newbie cnc machinists / newbie cnc programmers who have just to start their professional…

Fanuc G73 Pattern Repeating Cycle CNC Program Example Code
CNC programming example for Fanuc G73 pattern repeating cycle. Fanuc G73 Pattern Repeating Cycle has already been described here CNC Fanuc G73 Pattern Repeating Cycle You might like other Fanuc…

Fanuc G73 Pattern Repeating Canned Cycle Basic CNC Sample Program
Fanuc G73 pattern repeating cycle helps cnc machinists to program/maintain/debug rough material removal programs easy. Other Fanuc canned cycle like G71 Longitudinal cutting cycle or G72 Facing Cycle removes the…

G28 Reference Point Return – CNC Lathe
G28 Reference Point Return G28 reference point return G-code is used to approach the reference point via an intermediate position. The intermediate position can be specified absolute X, Z or…

G71 Longitudinal Roughing Cycle Mazak CNC Basic Programming Example
CNC basic programming exmaple for cnc programmers/machinists who work on Mazak / Fanuc cnc controls. This cnc code example shows the use of G71 Longitudinal Roughing Cycle. G71 Turning Cycle…

Fanuc G72 Facing Canned Cycle Example Program
Here is another cnc programming example which shows the use of Fanuc G72 Facing Cycle. Fanuc G72 facing cycle comes in two format for different fanuc cnc controls. Fanuc G72…

Sample Program Example Fanuc G72 Facing Cycle Single-line-format
As canned cycle for cnc machines looks difficult to learn and program for beginner level cnc machinists, but they pay off in long run. As canned cycle makes cnc machinists…

Chamfer and Radius Program Example with G01
CNC programming example code to demonstrate, how to program a Chamfer and Radius (Corner Rounding) with G01 G-code. Easy to program and understand that even a beginner level CNC machinist…

Fanuc G94 Facing Cycle CNC Example Program
Fanuc G94 One Pass Facing Cycle Fanuc G94 G code is used for rough facing. Fanuc G94 facing cycle is used for simple facing (one-pass facing) however multiple passes are…

Internal Threading on Fanuc 21i 18i 16i with G76 Threading Cycle
CNC program for the internal threading with G76 threading cycle on fanuc controls 21i/18i/16i. For an example of external threading with G76 threading cycle read External Thread Cutting with G76 Threading…

External Thread Cutting with G76 Threading Cycle on Fanuc 21i 18i 16i CNC
Fanuc Series 21i 18i 16i Thread Cutting with G76 Threading Cycle Fanuc G76 cycle can be used for external and internal thread cutting. Fanuc series 21i 18i 16i cnc controls use…

G01 Chamfer and Corner Rounding a CNC Program Example
For a brief description of how Chamfer and Corner Radius are programmed with G01 G code read following cnc programming article Chamfer and Radius Programming with G01 G code. You…

G02 G03 G Code Circular Interpolation Example Program
This article explains the use of G02 G03 G code. The G code G02, G03 are used for Circular Interpolation in cnc programming. G02 G03 G Code Circular Interpolation G02…

Taper Turning with G90 Modal Turning Cycle – CNC Example Code
G90 Modal Turning Cycle G90 Turning Cycle is briefly explained in this cnc tutorial G90 Turning Cycle. For an Example of Straight Turning with G90 Modal Turning Cycle read G90 Turning…

G90 Turning Cycle Fanuc – CNC Program Example Code
G90 Turning Cycle is very briefly explained in this cnc tutorial G90 Turning Cycle. G90 turning cycle is used for simple turning however multiple passes are possible by specifying the…

Haas G71 Example Program
Haas cnc lathe uses one-line syntax of G71 roughing canned cycle. This cnc program example shows the use of G71 turning cycle for ID roughing (Inside roughing). You might like…

Face Grooving with G74 Peck Drilling Cycle CNC Programming Tutorial
G74 Peck Drilling Cycle G74 peck drilling cycle be used in variety of ways, from peck drilling to face grooving. The G74 Peck drilling in already discussed here Simple CNC Lathe…

Taper Threading with G32 a CNC Programming Example
G32 is used for thread cutting, but with G32 we can just make a single threading cut. This all mean that you yourself have to do all the work of…

G75 Canned Cycle Grooving CNC Programming Example
G75 is the grooving cycle in x-axis. For a full description of G75 canned cycle grooving read this G75 Grooving Cycle. For one-line format (one-block format) of Fanuc G75 read Fanuc G75…

CNC Circular Interpolation Tutorial G02 G03
This cnc circular interpolation tutorial will easily make you learn how to use G02 G03 G-code. CNC programming of a component is easy if you divide the component on drawing…

CNC Programming Example G92 Taper Threading Cycle
G92 threading cycle is used for threading on a cnc lathe machine. The added benefit of G92 thread cycle is that G92 G-code gives cnc machinist full control over the…

G76 Thread Cycle a CNC Programming Example
G-code G76 is a cnc cycle which is used for thread cutting on cnc machines. Threading cycle G76 is explained here G76 Thread Cycle. Taper thread cutting with G76 thread cycle…

Fanuc CNC Lathe Programming Example
I already have posted a cnc progamming example which is programmed in inches. This cnc lathe programming example is easy and clean with tool cutting in straight line and tool cutting…