Bolt Hole Circle

Fanuc G52 Local Coordinate G15 G16 Polar Coordinate Program Example
;Fanuc Program Example ;G52 Local Coordinate System ;G15 G16 Polar Coordinate O1453 G91 G28 X0 Y0 Z0 M06 101 M03 S1000 G90 G54 G43 H1 G52 X100 Y100 G00 X0…

Fanuc G15 G16 Polar Coordinate Command Bolt Circle Program Example
O777 G91 G28 X0 Y0 Z0 M06 T01 M03 S500 G90 G54 G43 H1 G00 Y41 X0 Z5 G81 Z-12 R2 F200 G16 X41 Y150 X41 Y210 X41 Y270 X41…

Fanuc Bolt Hole Circle Custom Macro (BHC)
/*Parameters G65 P9100 Xx Yy Zz Rr Ff Ii Aa Bb Hh X: X coordinate of the center of the circle (#24) Y: Y coordinate of the center of the…