
Mitsubishi CNC G07.1 Cylindrical Interpolation Program Example
N01 G28 XZC; N02 T0202; N03 G97 S100 M23; N04 G00 X50. Z0.; N05 G94 G01 X40. F100.; N06 G19 C0 Z0; N07 G07.1 C20.; N08 G41; N09 G01 Z-10….

Fanuc G07.1 Cylindrical Interpolation Example
O0002 (Cylindrical Interpolation) N15 T0505 N25 M13 (Driven tool ON clockwise) N30 G97 S2000 N32 M52 (Positioning of the spindle C-axis ON ) N35 G07.1 C19.1 (Start of the interpolation…