ECS G83 Deep Drilling with clearing Cycle

ECS G83 Deep Drilling with clearing

This cycle is normally used to drill deep holes. The first drill the bit will reach the quote defined with the parameter INI. After it will go back in rapid to the RAP quote. Next time the bit will advance of the entity given by (INI + IND) . After again it will go back to RAP. The operation will be repeated reducing every time the increment IND till the ENT quote will be reached.

Note: When the increment reaches a value smaller than IND it will be forced equal to IND.

The cycle Data Entry is activated, in MDI and Edit modes, through this keys sequence:

ECS G83 Deep Drilling with clearing - keys sequence


G83 <ENT=..> <RAP=..> <RAL=..> <INI=..> <IND=..>


ENTDepth quote reached at working feed
RAPQuote reached in rapid at the beginning of cycle
RALQuote reached in rapid at the end of the cycle
INIInitial Drilling quote [mm]
INDDrilling Increment [mm]

ECS G83 Deep Drilling with clearing