Fanuc CNC Direct Programming of Profile (angles and round edges) Example

Submit by: BEATA


CNC program example to show how dirct Angles can be given in a cnc program


Fanuc CNC Direct Programming of Profile (angles and round edges) Example

CNC Program

N10 G10 P0 Z-200;
N20 T303;                 (PROFILING)
N30 G50 S2200;
N40 G96 G99 S230 F0.12 M4 M8 M200;
N50 G0 X0 Z3;
N60 G1 Z0 ;               (P1)
N70 ,A90 R6;              (FIRST ANGLE)
N80 X50 Z-25 ,A165;       (SECOND ANGLE A165 comes from 180°-15°=165°)
N90 ,A180
N100 X75 Z-49 ,A90 ,C1;
N110 Z-60;
N120 ,A150 R50;          (A150 comes from 180°-30°=150°)
N130 X185 Z-100 ,A110;   (A110 comes from 180°-70°=110°)
N140 ,A90 ,C2;
N150 X200 Z-150 ,A180;   (P2)
N160 G0 X250 Z200 M30;