Fanuc G73 pattern repeating cycle helps cnc machinists to program/maintain/debug rough material removal programs easy.
Other Fanuc canned cycle like
G71 Longitudinal cutting cycle or
G72 Facing Cycle
removes the rough material by taking straight cuts.
But Fanuc G73 Pattern repeating cycle removes the rough material by taking cuts along the contour.
So from the first cut G73 pattern repeating cycle cuts the same shape as the finish component.
Fanuc G73 Pattern Repeating Cycle Format
G73 U W R G73 P Q U W F

Fanuc G73 Pattern Repeating Canned Cycle
G73 First CNC Program Block
U – Escape distance and direction in X axis (radius value).This is the amount of material which will be cut in x-axis.
W – Escape distance and direction in Z axis.This is the amount of material which will be cut in z-axis.
R – Number of divisions. The number the contour will be repeated.
G73 Second CNC Program Block.
P – Start sequence No.
Q – End sequence No.
U – Finishing allowance in x-axis.
W – Finishing allowance in z-axis.
F – Cutting Feedrate (during G73 canned cycle).
Fanuc G73 Pattern Repeating Cycle Program Example

Fanuc G73 Pattern Repeating Canned Cycle Basic CNC Sample Program
N10 G50 S2000 T0300 G96 S200 M03 G00 X35.0 Z5.0 T0303 Z0 G01 X-1.6 F0.2 G00 X70.0 Z10.0 G73 U3.0 W2.0 R2 G73 P12 Q16 U0.5 W0.1 F0.25 N12 G00 G42 X20.0 Z2.0 G01 Z-10.0 F0.15 G02 X40.0 Z-20.0 R10.0 G01 Z-30.0 X60.0 Z-50.0 N16 G40 U1.0 G70 P12 Q16 G00 X200.0 Z200.0 T0300 M30