Complete listings of G code for various cnc mill/lathe machine controls. G code of multiple cnc controls are described with articles and programming examples.

G Code for CNC Dummies
CNC Machine G Codes
Fanuc G Codes
List of G-codes commonly found on Fanuc and similarly designed CNC controls.
G code listings with full G-code description and linked articles
- Fanuc G Code List (mill/lathe)
- Complete G Code List (lathe)
List of Fanuc Mill/Lathe G-codes
Din 66025 G Codes
DIN stands for “Deutsches Institut für Normung”, meaning “German institute for standardisation”.
Haas G Codes
Siemens Sinumerik G Codes
Anilam G Codes
Bridgeport G Codes
Centroid G Codes
GSK 980TDb G Codes
Heidenhain G Codes
Hurco G Codes
Hust G Codes
LinuxCNC G Codes
Mach3 G Codes
Milltronics G codes
- Milltronics Centurion 7 G Code List
- Milltronics G Code List for Machining Centers
- Milltronics G Code for Lathes
Mitsubishi CNC G Codes
- Mitsubishi CNC G Codes – Machining Centers 700/70 Series
- Mitsubishi G Codes – CNC Lathe 700/70 Series