Feed Per Minute (G94)
G94 G-code is a modal G-code. G94 instructs the control to interpret feed commands as
- inches/minute or mm/minute for linear moves.
- degrees/minute for rotary moves.
- inches/minute or mm/minute for a combination of linear and rotary moves.
When a combination of linear and rotary moves is programmed, the rotary moves match the time it takes to make the linear moves.
The G94 function selects feed F in mm/min or inches/minute. When this function is active the feed values will be programmed as follows: F50, F150, F500, F2000 and so forth.
G94 (feed per minute) G-code is used to perform movements with work feed when the spindle is stationary, or when it is necessary to release the axis feed from the spindle revolutions (e.g.: when milling with motor driven tools or live tooling).
Related: Live tooling on Haas CNC lathe machine program examples
- C-Axis Lathe Programming Example with Live Tooling on Haas CNC
- Live Tooling Lathe Programming Code – Spindle Orientation Haas CNC
Related: G Code Lists

G94 (feed per minute) G-code is used to perform movements with work feed when the spindle is stationary
G94 is a modal function and can be cancelled by programming the code G95 (Feed Per Revolution).
N7 …… N8 G94 ; mm/min feed N9 G1 X… Z… F400 N10 …… N11 …… N12 G95 ; mm/rev feed N13 G1 X… Z… F0.12 N14 ……