Submit by: CNC Programmer
CNC lathe program to cut LH (left hand) thread on a component
and also to cut the component profile using G71 turning cycle,
Grooving using G75 grooving cycle.
Write an ISO part programming for the FANUC controlled CNC Lathe using canned cycle. Work piece diameter = 30mm, Work piece material = Mild Steel, Feed = 0.2mm/rev, Speed for turning = 1200rpm, Depth of cut = 0.5mm.

CNC Program
N0 G90 F0.5 S1200 T0101 M04 N20 G00 X30 Z2 N40 G71 G71 U0.5 R0.5 (Roughing Cycle) N50 G71 P60 Q110 U0.05 W0.05 N60 G01 X15 Z0 N70 G01 X15 Z-10 N80 G01 X18 N90 G01 Z-55 N100 G02 X28 Z-70 R20 N110 G01 Z-80 N120 G01 X30 Z2 N130 G70 P60 Q110 (Finishing cycle) N135 G00 X30 Z2 N140 G28 U0 W0 N150 S400 T0202 M06 N160 G01 X20 Z-45 N170 G01 X18 Z-45 N180 G76 P010160 Q20 N190 G76 X15.6 Z-10 P1200 Q200 F2 N200 G01 X30 Z2 N210 G28 U0 W0 N220 S1200 T0303 M06 N230 G01 X30 Z-45 N240 G01 X18 Z-46 N250 G75 R1 N255 G75 X10 U1 Z-55 P1000 Q1000 N260 G28 U0 W0 N300 M05 M30