Almost every cnc controls has a way to make subprograms, subroutines.
CNC Subprograms are added to cnc program memory (cnc program directory) as separate cnc programs which are then called from an outside cnc program (main-program).
Read more about CNC Subprograms

Haas CNC
Haas CNC Local SubPrograms
Haas CNC supports normal cnc sub-programming commands M98, M99.
But Haas CNC gives a lot more and manageable way to make subprograms (subroutines), called Local Sub-Programs.
Haas cnc local subprograms are not added as separate cnc programs to cnc programs memory.
But Haas cnc local subprograms are added (at end) to the main-program or calling program.
So Haas cnc local subprograms are part of the main-program.
How to Call Haas CNC Local SubProgram
Haas cnc local subprograms are called with M97 command.
Haas CNC Local Subprogram Call M97 FormatM97 P… L…
P – A line number within same program (Subprogram must end with M99).
L – Number of subprogram repetitions.
Haas CNC Local Subprogram Example
O0001 M97 P1000 L2 (L2 command will run the N1000 line twice) M30 N1000 G00 G90 G55 X0 Z0 (N line that will run after M97 P1000 is run) S500 M03 G00 Z-.5 G01 X.5 F100. G03 Z... G01 X0 Z1. F50. G91 G28 X0 G28 Z0 G90 M99