Haas Parameters

Haas lathe/mill parameters

Haas Parameter 600 PEAK SPIN. PWR-KW

Haas Parameter 600 PEAK SPIN. PWR-KW Supports the spindle kilowatt (KW) load display that appears on the current commands page, next to the spindle load percentage. It should be set to…

Haas Parameter 580 TS HYD RETRACT TIME – Haas Lathe

Haas Parameter 580 TS HYD RETRACT TIME – Haas Lathe Added for the SL-10 hydraulic no-encoder tailstock. It specifies the amount of time (in ms) that the tailstock center will be…

Haas Parameter 601 TOOL CHANGE DELAY – Haas Mill

Haas Parameter 601 TOOL CHANGE DELAY – Haas Mill On a mill where the operator must be warned that a running program doing a tool change (no enclosure) it beeps and…

Haas Parameter 603 COOLANT LEVEL MIN

Haas Parameter 603 COOLANT LEVEL MIN Coolant Level Sensor minimum level. Used to calibrate the bar graph.

Haas Parameter 604 COOLANT LEVEL MAX

Haas Parameter 604 COOLANT LEVEL MAX Coolant Level Sensor maximum level. Used to calibrate the bar graph.

Haas Parameter 605 PALLET CHANGER TYPE – Haas Mill

Haas Parameter 605 PALLET CHANGER TYPE – Haas Mill Defines the type of pallet changer on the machine. Also see Parameter 606

Haas Parameter 584 APL GRIP OPEN TIME – Haas Lathe

Haas Parameter 584 APL GRIP OPEN TIME – Haas Lathe Supports Haas Lathe APL. It specifies maximum allowable time for opening the gripper. Units are milliseconds.

Haas Parameter 611 BAR FEEDER TYPE – Haas Lathe

Haas Parameter 611 BAR FEEDER TYPE – Haas Lathe Supports the Bar 100 Air-Driven bar feeder. It should be set to 2 on all lathes fitted with the Bar 100,…

Haas Parameter 585 APL GRIP CLOSE TIME – Haas Lathe

Haas Parameter 585 APL GRIP CLOSE TIME – Haas Lathe Supports the Haas Lathe APL. It specifies the maximum allowable time for closing the gripper and should be set to 500….

Haas Parameter 612 SPIGOT TYPE – Haas Mill

Haas Parameter 612 SPIGOT TYPE – Haas Mill Supports programmable coolant spigot. Type 0 uses peaks of the spigot fan for positioning. Type 1 uses the peaks and valleys of the…

Haas Parameter 587 EXTENDED PUSH TIME – Haas Lathe

Haas Parameter 587 EXTENDED PUSH TIME – Haas Lathe Supports bar feeder pusher rod which is mounted on the bar feeder trolley (for bar feeders with 1-foot extension option). The units…

Haas Parameter 613 SPG FWD MTR DLY (MS) – Haas Mill

Haas Parameter 613 SPG FWD MTR DLY (MS) – Haas Mill Supports the programmable coolant spigot. It specifies the delay time in ms from the moment the spigot motor is turned…

Haas Parameter 589 Y ENC. SCALE FACTOR

Haas Parameter 589 Y ENC. SCALE FACTOR See Parameter 588 for description.

Haas Parameter 614 SPG REV MTR DLY (MS) – Haas Mill

Haas Parameter 614 SPG REV MTR DLY (MS) – Haas Mill Supports the programmable coolant spigot. It specifies the delay time in ms from the moment the spigot motor is turned…

Haas Parameter 590 Z ENC. SCALE FACTOR

Haas Parameter 590 Z ENC. SCALE FACTOR See Parameter 588 for description.

Haas Parameter 615 SS SPINDLE ACC/DECL – Haas Lathe

Haas Parameter 615 SS SPINDLE ACC/DECL – Haas Lathe Supports the VTC-48. Controls the subspindle acceleration and deceleration. Units: 200ths of a step/ms/ms (same as a mill 50 taper spindle.)

Haas Parameter 629 Sp PLUS TRAVEL LIMIT – Haas Mill

Haas Parameter 629 Sp PLUS TRAVEL LIMIT – Haas Mill See Parameter 620.

Haas Parameter 616 SS LUBE CYCLE TIME – Haas Lathe

Haas Parameter 616 SS LUBE CYCLE TIME – Haas Lathe Supports the VTC-48. It controls the subspindle lubrication in the same manner as Parameter 117. The units are 50ths of a…

Haas Parameter 630 Tt PLUS TRAVEL LIMIT

Haas Parameter 630 Tt PLUS TRAVEL LIMIT See Parameter 620.

Haas Parameter 616 STG SHTL DEBOUNCE – Haas Mill

Haas Parameter 616 STG SHTL DEBOUNCE – Haas Mill Shuttle home switch debounce count. Units are counts.)

Haas Parameter 632 X AXIS MOCON CHANNEL

Haas Parameter 632 X AXIS MOCON CHANNEL Enables the X axis to be mapped to a particular MOCON channel.

Haas Parameter 617 SS SPIN.FAN OFF DEL – Haas Lathe

Haas Parameter 617 SS SPIN.FAN OFF DEL – Haas Lathe Supports the VTC-48. It specifies the time that the subspindle fan should continue to run after the subspindle has stopped. The…

Haas Parameter 633 Y AXIS MOCON CHANNEL

Haas Parameter 633 Y AXIS MOCON CHANNEL Same as Parameter 632. Set to 7 on machines originally shipped with 5.02 and later software.

Haas Parameter 617 STG SHTL BUMP TIME – Haas Mill

Haas Parameter 617 STG SHTL BUMP TIME – Haas Mill Shuttle bump time, used by tool changer. Units are milliseconds.)

Haas Parameter 634 Z AXIS MOCON CHANNEL

Haas Parameter 634 Z AXIS MOCON CHANNEL Same as Parameter 632 Set to 2 on 5.02 and later software.

Haas Parameter 618 LUBE CHECK DELAY – – Haas Lathe

Haas Parameter 618 LUBE CHECK DELAY – Haas Lathe Supports the VTC-48. Specifies the time between checks on the status of the oil pressure on a VTC main spindle.

Haas Parameter 635 A AXIS MOCON CHANNEL

Haas Parameter 635 A AXIS MOCON CHANNEL Same as Parameter 632 Set to 3 on 5.02 and later software.

Haas Parameter 652 W INDEXER INCREMENT

Haas Parameter 652 W INDEXER INCREMENT See Parameter 644.

Haas Parameter 618 TC CAROUSEL TYPE – Haas Mill

Haas Parameter 618 TC CAROUSEL TYPE – Haas Mill This parameter supports the Servo Side Mount Tool Changer. It should be set to 1 for the standard DC motor tool carousel…

Haas Parameter 636 B AXIS MOCON CHANNEL

Haas Parameter 636 B AXIS MOCON CHANNEL Same as Parameter 632 Set to 4 on 5.02 and later software.

Haas Parameter 653 Sp INDEXER INCREMENT

Haas Parameter 653 Sp INDEXER INCREMENT See Parameter 644.

Haas Parameter 619 PRE GEAR CHANGE DELAY

Haas Parameter 619 PRE GEAR CHANGE DELAY Delay time (in milliseconds) after the spindle has been commanded to stop and before the solenoid for the gear change is commanded to start.

Haas Parameter 621 Y PLUS TRAVEL LIMIT

Haas Parameter 621 Y PLUS TRAVEL LIMIT See Parameter 620.

Haas Parameter 622 Z PLUS TRAVEL LIMIT

Haas Parameter 622 Z PLUS TRAVEL LIMIT See Parameter 620.

Haas Parameter 623 A PLUS TRAVEL LIMIT

Haas Parameter 623 A PLUS TRAVEL LIMIT See Parameter 620.