Haas Parameters

Haas lathe/mill parameters

Haas Parameter 744 COLOR RUNPROG 1

Haas Parameter 744 COLOR RUNPROG 1 This controls the colors of highlighted text, executed blocks, and remaining blocks in a G-Code program when it is running or in feed hold….

Haas Parameter 745 COLOR RUNPROG 2

Haas Parameter 745 COLOR RUNPROG 2 See Parameter 744

Haas Parameter 746 COLOR RUNPROG 3

Haas Parameter 746 COLOR RUNPROG 3 See Parameter 744

Haas Parameter 813 AXIS PRESSURE TIME

Haas Parameter 813 AXIS PRESSURE TIME Specifies the minimum stable high pressure detection time in milliseconds during axis lubricant discharge. The control will display the LOW LUBE message if the system…


Haas Parameter 747 PALLET POOL LIFT DOWN DWELL Specifies the dwell time, in milliseconds, to wait after the switch indicates that the lift is down before “down” is assumed.


Haas Parameter 814 AXIS PRESSURE TIMEOUT Specifies the duration in milliseconds after the start of the axis lubrication cycle, during which high pressure is expected to occur. If pressure is not…


Haas Parameter 748 PALLET POOL LIFT UP DWELL Specifies the dwell time, in milliseconds, to wait after the switch indicates that the lift is up before “up” is assumed.

Haas Parameter 802 HUCK CLOSER DELAY – Haas Lathe

Haas Parameter 802 HUCK CLOSER DELAY – Haas Lathe This parameter is the amount of delay in ms for the pneumatic mechanism to clamp and unclamp.

Haas Parameter 803 CHUCK AIR OFF DELAY – Haas Lathe

Haas Parameter 803 CHUCK AIR OFF DELAY – Haas Lathe This parameter is the amount of time in ms to turn pneumatic air off. There are two more existing parameters…


Haas Parameter 758 PALLET POOL ROTARY POSITION Specifies the pallet pool slider position at which the rotator can move safely. Units are 10 thousandths of an inch.

Haas Parameter 760 APC AIR BLAST TIME

Haas Parameter 760 APC AIR BLAST TIME Specifies the duration in milliseconds of the air blast that blows chips from the pallet seat area during a pallet change. Applies to pallet…

Haas Parameter 800 CHUCK CLOSER TYPE

Haas Parameter 800 CHUCK CLOSER TYPE Selects the chuck closer type. 0 – No closer or Hydraulic closer 1 – Pneumatic closer 2 – Air Collet Closer for OL-1

Haas Parameter 801 CHUCK AIR on DELAY – Haas Lathe

Haas Parameter 801 CHUCK AIR on DELAY – Haas Lathe This parameter is the amount of delay in ms to turn pneumatic air on.


Haas Parameter 755 HYDRAULIC TAILSTOCK DRIFT TOLERANCE Specifies the hydraulic tailstock encoder hold position tolerance. Units are 10 thousandths of an inch.


Haas Parameter 756 HYDRAULIC TAILSTOCK RATE TOLERANCE Specifies the hydraulic tailstock encoder not-moving rate tolerance. Units are 10 thousandths of an inch.

Haas Parameter 809 PROBE ARM TIMEOUT – Haas Lathe

Haas Parameter 809 PROBE ARM TIMEOUT – Haas Lathe Amount of time, in milliseconds, allowed for the probe arm to reach the extended or retracted position before an alarm is generated.

Haas Parameter 810 AXIS LUBE TYPE

Haas Parameter 810 AXIS LUBE TYPE Specifies the axis lubrication system type. 0 BATTERY axis (OM1A/OM2A) or Manual (SR’s/TM’s) lube 1 BIJUR oil system. The values in parameters 811 through…

Haas Parameter 811 AXIS INTRVL METERS

Haas Parameter 811 AXIS INTRVL METERS Specify axis travel in meters. When one axis reaches the specified interval, the minimal lubrication grease system will activate to lubricate all axes. This parameter…

Haas Parameter 812 AXIS LUBE ON TIME

Haas Parameter 812 AXIS LUBE ON TIME Specifies the duration in milliseconds that axis lubricant is discharged. Grease delivery is single shot per activation. 20,000 milliseconds assures pump activation for type…

Haas Parameter 798 CONVEY WASHDOWN RLY – Haas Mill

Haas Parameter 798 CONVEY WASHDOWN RLY – Haas Mill This parameter specifies the output relay for the conveyor wash down pump.

Haas Parameter 799 SHOWER COOLANT RLY – Haas Mill

Haas Parameter 799 SHOWER COOLANT RLY – Haas Mill Specifies output relay for shower coolant pump. When installed, it should be set to 32, otherwise it should be zero. Parameters…

Haas Parameter 816 AXIS LUBE OUTPUT

Haas Parameter 816 AXIS LUBE OUTPUT Specifies the output relay for the axis lubrication pump. Active when parameter 810 is ‘2’ or ‘3’.

Haas Parameter 832 COUNTER BAL CONFIG – Haas Mill

Haas Parameter 832 COUNTER BAL CONFIG – Haas Mill Specifies how pressure switches are connected. 0=The ESTOP input is connected in series with one or two counter balance system switches…

Haas Parameter 833 HI INTENSITY LIGHT

Haas Parameter 833 HI INTENSITY LIGHT Specifies the output relay to switch the high-intensity light (HIL) on and off.


Haas Parameter 834 AXIS MINIMUM RISE DELAY Used with grease reservoir type 3 in parameter 810. Specifies the minimum wait time in milliseconds for the grease pressure to rise after turning…


Haas Parameter 819 SPINDLE LUBE TIME INTERVAL Specifies the maximum number of minutes of spindle run-time, after which the spindle will be lubricated. No lubrication will be done if the machine…

Haas Parameter 820 SP LUBE TIME

Haas Parameter 820 SP LUBE TIME Specifies the duration in milliseconds that spindle lubricant is discharged. This parameter is activated when parameter 817 is 2. 10,000 means 2 drops (.022 ml)…

Haas Parameter 821 SP LUBE INPUT

Haas Parameter 821 SP LUBE INPUT Specifies the input relay for the spindle lubrication pressure sensor. This parameter is activated when parameter 817 is 2.

Haas Parameter 806 PROBE ARM RELAY

Haas Parameter 806 PROBE ARM RELAY Specifies the IOPCB Relay used to extend or retract the probe arm (see M104 and M105).

Haas Parameter 822 SP LUBE OUTPUT

Haas Parameter 822 SP LUBE OUTPUT Specifies the output relay for the spindle lubrication pump. This parameter is activated when parameter 817 is 2.

Haas Parameter 807 DOOR OPEN SW DELAY

Haas Parameter 807 DOOR OPEN SW DELAY Specifies a delay in 50ths of a second that stops door motor and clutch after door reaches the open-door switch.

Haas Parameter 823 AUTO DOOR TYPE

Haas Parameter 823 AUTO DOOR TYPE Specifies the type of door being used. Values 0 to 3 are for an auto door with a clutch. Value 4 specifies an auto door…

Haas Parameter 808 PROBE ARM START TIMEOUT – Haas Lathe

Haas Parameter 808 PROBE ARM START TIMEOUT – Haas Lathe Amount of time, in milliseconds, allowed for the probe arm to start to move to the extended or retracted position before…

Haas Parameter 824 SERVO DR AXIS

Haas Parameter 824 SERVO DR AXIS Specifies the axis used for the Servo Auto Door. Must be set to 6 for mill and 1 for lathes. Parameter 823 must be set…

Haas Parameter 825 SERVO DR WIDTH

Haas Parameter 825 SERVO DR WIDTH Specifies how wide the Servo Auto Door is to open (inch x 10,000). Do not exceed maximim door opening width.