Haas Parameters
Haas lathe/mill parameters
Haas Parameter 850 SYNCHRONOUS SPINDLE CONTROL This parameter enables G199 (SYNCHRONOUS SPINDLE CONTROL) on a lathe. When non-zero the parameter is used to select a method of control. This parameter should…
Haas Parameter 851 G199 SPINDLE DECELERATION
Haas Parameter 851 G199 SPINDLE DECELERATION Maximum deceleration of the spindle assembly when G199 is engaged. This parameter is scaled by a factor of 1000, thus 2000 represents a deceleration of…
Haas Parameter 852 G199 SPINDLE ACCELERATION
Haas Parameter 852 G199 SPINDLE ACCELERATION Maximum acceleration of the spindle assembly when G199 is engaged. This parameter is scaled by a factor of 1000, thus 2000 represents an acceleration of…
Haas Parameter 951 A SECONDARY ENCODER C
Haas Parameter 951 A SECONDARY ENCODER C Encoder input channel for use with linear or rotary scales.
Haas Parameter 853 G199 IN PHASE FILTER
Haas Parameter 853 G199 IN PHASE FILTER The amount of time that the spindles must be in phase before a G199 block is considered complete. Units are in milliseconds.
Haas Parameter 954 U SECONDARY ENCODER C
Haas Parameter 954 U SECONDARY ENCODER C Encoder input channel for use with linear or rotary scales.
Haas Parameter 854 G199 MAXIMUM RPM
Haas Parameter 854 G199 MAXIMUM RPM The maximum permitted RPM in G199 mode. Commanded RPM is clamped to this value. Units are in RPM.
Haas Parameter 855 G199 ACCEL LIMIT LOAD
Haas Parameter 855 G199 ACCEL LIMIT LOAD The maximum percentage load when synchronous spindle control is enabled with G199. It overrides parameters 196 and 554. Units are in percent. See parameter…
Haas Parameter 856 ACC X THRESHOLD
Haas Parameter 856 ACC X THRESHOLD Defines the limit for motion in the MainCON board vibration sensor’s X Axis. Parameter range is 1 to 15, representing 0.5g to 7.5g in 0.5g…
Haas Parameter 857 ACC Y THRESHOLD
Haas Parameter 857 ACC Y THRESHOLD Defines the limit for motion in the MainCON board vibration sensor’s Y Axis. Parameter range is 1 to 15, representing 0.5g to 7.5g in 0.5g…
Haas Parameter 1025 Sp DEADBAND
Haas Parameter 1025 Sp DEADBAND Deadband is a servo error region within which no control action will occur. This is mainly to prevent hunting around a settling point in PID servo…
Haas Parameter 863 SUB SPINDLE DECEL REF SPEED Specifies the secondary spindle deceleration reference speed. Units are RPM.
Haas Parameter 864 SUB SPINDLE DECEL METHOD Specifies the secondary spindle deceleration method. 0 specifies the legacy method.
Haas Parameter 997 TAILSTOCK TYPE
Haas Parameter 997 TAILSTOCK TYPE Indicates tailstock type. Servo tailstock is type 3. Parameter is currently only used for type 3 behavior. Other values are ignored with respect to previous tailstock…
Haas Parameter 1032-1043 (X, Y, Z, A, B, C, U, V, W, TT, SP, SS) TORQUE CONSTANT
Haas Parameter 1032-1043 (X, Y, Z, A, B, C, U, V, W, TT, SP, SS) TORQUE CONSTANT Servo motors torque constant in Nm/Arms as a multiple of 1000.
Haas Parameter 998 SERVO TS HIGH SPEED (INCHES/MINUTE) Servo tailstock high speed in inches per minute. This is the speed applied for tailstock rapid motion, e.g. when moving towards retract point…
Haas Parameter 1048-1059 (X, Y, Z, A, B, C, U, V, W, TT, SP, SS) – AMP PEAK CURRENT
Haas Parameter 1048-1059 (X, Y, Z, A, B, C, U, V, W, TT, SP, SS) – AMP PEAK CURRENT Description: Rated peak current of attached amplifier. Unit is amperes.
Haas Parameter 999 SERVO TS LOW SPEED (INCHES/MINUTE) Servo tailstock low speed in inches per minute. This is the speed applied for tailstock feed motion, e.g. when moving towards hold point.
Haas Parameter 1017 Y DEADBAND
Haas Parameter 1017 Y DEADBAND Deadband is a servo error region within which no control action will occur. This is mainly to prevent hunting around a settling point in PID servo…
Haas Parameter 949 Y SECONDARY ENCODER C
Haas Parameter 949 Y SECONDARY ENCODER C Encoder input channel for use with linear or rotary scales.
Haas Parameter 1018 Z DEADBAND
Haas Parameter 1018 Z DEADBAND Deadband is a servo error region within which no control action will occur. This is mainly to prevent hunting around a settling point in PID servo…
Haas Parameter 950 Z SECONDARY ENCODER C
Haas Parameter 950 Z SECONDARY ENCODER C Encoder input channel for use with linear or rotary scales.
Haas Parameter 1019 A DEADBAND
Haas Parameter 1019 A DEADBAND Deadband is a servo error region within which no control action will occur. This is mainly to prevent hunting around a settling point in PID servo…
Haas Parameter 1020 B DEADBAND
Haas Parameter 1020 B DEADBAND Deadband is a servo error region within which no control action will occur. This is mainly to prevent hunting around a settling point in PID servo…
Haas Parameter 1021 C DEADBAND
Haas Parameter 1021 C DEADBAND Deadband is a servo error region within which no control action will occur. This is mainly to prevent hunting around a settling point in PID servo…
Haas Parameter 955 V SECONDARY ENCODER C
Haas Parameter 955 V SECONDARY ENCODER C Encoder input channel for use with linear or rotary scales.
Haas Parameter 1022 U DEADBAND
Haas Parameter 1022 U DEADBAND Deadband is a servo error region within which no control action will occur. This is mainly to prevent hunting around a settling point in PID servo…
Haas Parameter 957 Sp SECONDARY ENCODER C
Haas Parameter 957 Sp SECONDARY ENCODER C Encoder input channel for use with linear or rotary scales.
Haas Parameter 1023 V DEADBAND
Haas Parameter 1023 V DEADBAND Deadband is a servo error region within which no control action will occur. This is mainly to prevent hunting around a settling point in PID…
Haas Parameter 958 Tt SECONDARY ENCODER C
Haas Parameter 958 Tt SECONDARY ENCODER C Encoder input channel for use with linear or rotary scales.
Haas Parameter 1024 W DEADBAND
Haas Parameter 1024 W DEADBAND Deadband is a servo error region within which no control action will occur. This is mainly to prevent hunting around a settling point in PID servo…
Haas Parameter 959 Ss SECONDARY ENCODER C
Haas Parameter 959 Ss SECONDARY ENCODER C Encoder input channel for use with linear or rotary scales.
Haas Parameter 964-975 LP FILTER CUTOFF
Haas Parameter 964-975 LP FILTER CUTOFF These parameters are used by the servo controller to enable the torque low pass filter to reduce high-frequency noise or vibration in servo motors. Units…
Haas Parameter 1026 Tt DEADBAND
Haas Parameter 1026 Tt DEADBAND Deadband is a servo error region within which no control action will occur. This is mainly to prevent hunting around a settling point in PID servo…
Haas Parameter 980-992 IIR COMMAND LOW PASS FILTER CUTOFF These parameters are used by the servo controller to enable IIR low pass filter on servo command. It limits the amount of…