Haas Parameters

Haas lathe/mill parameters

Haas Parameter 166 B MAX CURRENT

Haas Parameter 166 B MAX CURRENT Same definition as Parameter 105.

Haas Parameter 174 B SCREW COMP. COEF.

Haas Parameter 174 B SCREW COMP. COEF. Coefficient of heating of the ballscrew, and is used to decrease or shorten the screw length.

Haas Parameter 163 B BACKLASH

Haas Parameter 163 B BACKLASH See Parameter 13 for description.

Haas Parameter 164 B DEAD ZONE

Haas Parameter 164 B DEAD ZONE See Parameter 14 for description.

Haas Parameter 152 B P GAIN

Haas Parameter 152 B P GAIN See Parameter 2 for description.

Haas Parameter 206 SPIGOT POSITIONS – Haas Mill

Haas Parameter 206 SPIGOT POSITIONS – Haas Mill Vertical mills only. Maximum number of spigot positions.

Haas Parameter 237 TSC CLNT LINE PURGE – Haas Mill

Haas Parameter 237 TSC CLNT LINE PURGE – Haas Mill Amount of time given for the coolant to purge when the TSC system is shut off. May be increased to…

Haas Parameter 193 Sp SPIN ORIENT MARGIN

Haas Parameter 193 Sp SPIN ORIENT MARGIN When a spindle orientation is done, if the actual position of the spindle is within this value (plus or minus), the spindle will be…

Haas Parameter 225 MAX ROT AXIS ALLOW – Haas Mill

Haas Parameter 225 MAX ROT AXIS ALLOW – Haas Mill For Horizontal mills with a wheel fixture only. Sets the maximum rotation (in degrees) allowed before stopping at front door.

Haas Parameter 194 Sp SPINDLE STOP FREQ

Haas Parameter 194 Sp SPINDLE STOP FREQ Spindle considered stopped (discrete input SP ST*=0) when speed drops below this value. Units are encoder steps/millisecond.

Haas Parameter 226 EDITOR CLIPBOARD

Haas Parameter 226 EDITOR CLIPBOARD Assigns a program number (nnnnn) to the contents of the clipboard (for the advanced editor).

Haas Parameter 176 Sp SWITCH A

Haas Parameter 176 Sp SWITCH A See Parameter 1 for description.

Haas Parameter 195 Sp START/STOP DELAY

Haas Parameter 195 Sp START/STOP DELAY This delay is used at the start of motion to magnetize the rotor before acceleration starts. When the motor comes to a stop it remains…

Haas Parameter 227 FLOPPY DIR NAME

Haas Parameter 227 FLOPPY DIR NAME When the disk drive is enabled and a directory is read, the directory listing is placed into a program as comments. The program is then…

Haas Parameter 143 DRAW BAR Z VEL CLMP – Haas Mill

Haas Parameter 143 DRAW BAR Z VEL CLMP – Haas Mill Sets the speed of the Z-axis motion that compensates for tool motion during tool clamping. Units are in encoder…

Haas Parameter 177 Sp P GAIN

Haas Parameter 177 Sp P GAIN See Parameter 2 for description.

Haas Parameter 196 Sp ACCEL LIMIT LOAD

Haas Parameter 196 Sp ACCEL LIMIT LOAD Used when a Vector Drive is installed. It is % load limit during acceleration. If load reaches this limit, control slows down acceleration. If…

Haas Parameter 228 QUICKCODE FILE

Haas Parameter 228 QUICKCODE FILE Sets the program numbers to store in the Quick Code definition program.

Haas Parameter 178 Sp D GAIN

Haas Parameter 178 Sp D GAIN See Parameter 3 for description.

Haas Parameter 179 Sp I GAIN

Haas Parameter 179 Sp I GAIN See Parameter 4 for description.

Haas Parameter 243 4TH AUX MAX TRAVEL

Haas Parameter 243 4TH AUX MAX TRAVEL Sets the maximum travel of the fourth auxiliary (W) axis in the positive direction.

Haas Parameter 180 Sp SLIP GAIN

Haas Parameter 180 Sp SLIP GAIN Calculated slip rate depends on two other variables: speed and current. Slip rate = slip gain x (speed/max speed) x (current/max current). The slip gain…

Haas Parameter 216 CNVYR RELAY DELAY

Haas Parameter 216 CNVYR RELAY DELAY Delay time in 1/50 seconds required on conveyor relays before another action is commanded.

Haas Parameter 244 1ST AUX MIN TRAVEL

Haas Parameter 244 1ST AUX MIN TRAVEL Sets the maximum travel of the first auxiliary (C) axis in the negative direction.

Haas Parameter 181 Sp MIN SLIP

Haas Parameter 181 Sp MIN SLIP Minimum value allowed from the slip rate. From the equation: Slip rate = slip gain x (speed/max speed) x (current/max current). It can be…

Haas Parameter 217 CNVYR IGNORE OC TIM

Haas Parameter 217 CNVYR IGNORE OC TIM Amount of time in 1/50 seconds before overcurrent is checked after conveyor motor is turned on.

Haas Parameter 245 2ND AUX MIN TRAVEL

Haas Parameter 245 2ND AUX MIN TRAVEL Sets the maximum travel of the second auxiliary (U) axis in the negative direction.

Haas Parameter 182 Sp ACCELERATION

Haas Parameter 182 Sp ACCELERATION Maximum acceleration of axis. The value is the units of encoder steps/second/second at the motor.

Haas Parameter 218 COVYR RETRY REV TIM

Haas Parameter 218 COVYR RETRY REV TIM Amount of time that the conveyor is reversed in 1/50 seconds after overcurrent is sensed.

Haas Parameter 204 Z AIR BRAKE DELAY

Haas Parameter 204 Z AIR BRAKE DELAY Delay provided for air to release from brake on A-axis prior to moving. Units are milliseconds.

Haas Parameter 236 AUTO DOOR BUMP – Haas Lathe

Haas Parameter 236 AUTO DOOR BUMP – Haas Lathe Supports the Auto-Door feature. It specifies the length of time (in 50ths of a second) that the motor should be reactivated after…

Haas Parameter 205 A SCREW COMP. COEF. – Haas Lathe

Haas Parameter 205 A SCREW COMP. COEF. – Haas Lathe Coefficient of heating of the ballscrew, and is used to decrease or shorten the screw length.

Haas Parameter 236 TSC LOW PR FLT – Haas Mill

Haas Parameter 236 TSC LOW PR FLT – Haas Mill After the TSC system has stabilized following start-up, Alarm 151 is generated if coolant pressure falls below 40 psi for the…

Haas Parameter 205 A SCR EW COMP. COEF. – Haas Mill

Haas Parameter 205 A SCR EW COMP. COEF. – Haas Mill This parameter should be set to 0.

Haas Parameter 237 HPC PRESSURE BLEED – Haas Lathe

Haas Parameter 237 HPC PRESSURE BLEED – Haas Lathe Supports the hpC (High Pressure Coolant) feature. It is the amount of time given for the coolant to purge when the hpC…