Haas Parameters
Haas lathe/mill parameters
Haas Parameter 191 Sp MAX CURRENT
Haas Parameter 191 Sp MAX CURRENT Sets maximum current allowed from the vector drive to the spindle motor: 4095 = max.
Haas Parameter 223 AIR TC DOOR DELAY – Haas Mill
Haas Parameter 223 AIR TC DOOR DELAY – Haas Mill For Horizontal mills only. Sets the delay to open the tool changer door (in milliseconds). If the tool changer does…
Haas Parameter 192 Sp MAG CURRENT
Haas Parameter 192 Sp MAG CURRENT Magnetization component of the current in the motor, also called the flux or field current.
Haas Parameter 224 ROT AXIS ZERO OFSET – Haas Mill
Haas Parameter 224 ROT AXIS ZERO OFSET – Haas Mill Shifts the zero point of A for a wheel fixture or tombstone.
Haas Parameter 239 SPNDL ENC STEPS/REV
Haas Parameter 239 SPNDL ENC STEPS/REV Sets the number of encoder steps per revolution of the spindle encoder.
Haas Parameter 211 Y TOOL CHANGE OFFSET – Haas Lathe
Haas Parameter 211 Y TOOL CHANGE OFFSET – Haas Lathe Servo Autodoor— Offset distance from operator door closed switch to the desired closed position (units are encoder steps). This is always a…
Haas Parameter 240 1ST AUX MAX TRAVEL
Haas Parameter 240 1ST AUX MAX TRAVEL Sets the maximum travel of the first auxiliary (C) axis in the positive direction.
Haas Parameter 211 Y TOOL CHANGE OFFSET – Haas Mill
Haas Parameter 211 Y TOOL CHANGE OFFSET – Haas Mill Used on the HS-2RP mill for Y axis displacement from the home position to tool change position. If this parameter contains…
Haas Parameter 241 2ND AUX MAX TRAVEL
Haas Parameter 241 2ND AUX MAX TRAVEL Sets the maximum travel of the second auxiliary (U) axis in the positive direction.
Haas Parameter 214 Sp D:Y CURRENT RATIO
Haas Parameter 214 Sp D:Y CURRENT RATIO Defines the ratio between the two winding configurations. The default winding is Y, and the parameters are set for the Y winding. Used to…
Haas Parameter 242 3RD AUX MAX TRAVEL
Haas Parameter 242 3RD AUX MAX TRAVEL Sets the maximum travel of the third auxiliary (V) axis in the positive direction.
Haas Parameter 215 CAROUSEL OFFSET – Haas Mill
Haas Parameter 215 CAROUSEL OFFSET – Haas Mill Horizontal mills only. Precisely aligns tool 1 of tool changing carousel. Units are encoder steps.
Haas Parameter 200 Sp POST-SWITCH DELAY
Haas Parameter 200 Sp POST-SWITCH DELAY Amount of time allowed for contactors to stabilize after switch is commanded, before current is applied to motor.
Haas Parameter 232 A LEAD COMP 10E9
Haas Parameter 232 A LEAD COMP 10E9 Sets the A-axis lead screw compensation signed parts per billion.
Haas Parameter 201 X SCREW COMP. COEF.
Haas Parameter 201 X SCREW COMP. COEF. Coefficient of heating of the ballscrew and is used to shorten the screw length.
Haas Parameter 233 B LEAD COMP 10E9
Haas Parameter 233 B LEAD COMP 10E9 Sets the B-axis lead screw compensation signed parts per billion.
Haas Parameter 202 X AIR BRAKE DELAY
Haas Parameter 202 X AIR BRAKE DELAY Not used.
Haas Parameter 235 AUTO DOOR PAUSE – Haas Lathe
Haas Parameter 235 AUTO DOOR PAUSE – Haas Lathe Supports the Auto-Door feature. It specifies the length of a pause (in 50ths of a second) that occurs during the door close…
Haas Parameter 203 Y AIR BRAKE DELAY
Haas Parameter 203 Y AIR BRAKE DELAY Delay provided for air to release from brake on A-axis prior to moving. Units are milliseconds.
Haas Parameter 235 TSC PISTON SEAT – Haas Mill
Haas Parameter 235 TSC PISTON SEAT – Haas Mill With the 50 TSC option, the amount of time given for the piston to seat during system start-up. The default is…
Haas Parameter 189 Sp BASE FREQ
Haas Parameter 189 Sp BASE FREQ Rated frequency of the motor.
Haas Parameter 222 LOW HYD. IGNORE TIM – Haas Lathe
Haas Parameter 222 LOW HYD. IGNORE TIM – Haas Lathe Amount of time that the control ignores the LO HYD input bit after servos are engaged. The hydraulic unit requires a…
Haas Parameter 190 Sp HI SP CURR LIM
Haas Parameter 190 Sp HI SP CURR LIM At speeds higher than the base frequency, the maximum current that is applied to the motor must be reduced. This is done linearly…
Haas Parameter 222 ROTARY AXIS INCRMNT – Haas Mill
Haas Parameter 222 ROTARY AXIS INCRMNT – Haas Mill For Horizontal mills only. Sets the degrees of rotation of the A-axis at an M36 or Pallet Rotate.
Haas Parameter 294 MIN BUSS VOLTAGE
Haas Parameter 294 MIN BUSS VOLTAGE Minimum Haas Vector Drive buss voltage. It should be set to 200 (the units are volts). Alarm 160 is generated if the voltage falls below…
Haas Parameter 207 SPIGOT TIMEOUT (MS) – Haas Mill
Haas Parameter 207 SPIGOT TIMEOUT (MS) – Haas Mill Vertical mills only. Maximum timeout allowed for spigot to traverse one spigot location.
Haas Parameter 238 SPINDLE AT SPEED % – Haas Lathe
Haas Parameter 238 SPINDLE AT SPEED % – Haas Lathe Allows program to command spindle to certain speed and then continue to next block before spindle has actually reached that speed….
Haas Parameter 295 SHTL SETTLE TIME – Haas Mill
Haas Parameter 295 SHTL SETTLE TIME – Haas Mill Used on mills with an air driven shuttle. Allows settling time for the shuttle after it has moved toward the spindle and…
Haas Parameter 208 SPIN. FAN OFF DELAY
Haas Parameter 208 SPIN. FAN OFF DELAY Delay for turning the spindle fan off after the spindle has been turned off.
Haas Parameter 238 TSC MAX SPINDLE RPM – Haas Mill
Haas Parameter 238 TSC MAX SPINDLE RPM – Haas Mill When TSC is enabled and in use, this parameter limits the maximum spindle speed.
Haas Parameter 296 MAX OVER VOLT TIME
Haas Parameter 296 MAX OVER VOLT TIME Specifies the amount of time (in 50ths of a second) that an overvoltage condition (Alarm 119, Over Voltage) will be tolerated before the automatic…
Haas Parameter 210 X TOOL CHANGE OFFSET
Haas Parameter 210 X TOOL CHANGE OFFSET Used on the HS-2RP mill for X axis displacement from the home position to tool change position. If this parameter contains an incorrect value,…
Haas Parameter 297 MAX OVER HEAT TIME
Haas Parameter 297 MAX OVER HEAT TIME Specifies the amount of time (in 50ths of a second ) that an overheat condition (Alarm 122, Regen Overheat) will be tolerated before the…
Haas Parameter 197 Sp SWITCH FREQUENCY
Haas Parameter 197 Sp SWITCH FREQUENCY Frequency at which the spindle motor windings are switched. Note that there is a hysteresis band around this point, defined by Parameter 198.
Haas Parameter 229 X LEAD COMP 10E9
Haas Parameter 229 X LEAD COMP 10E9 Sets the X-axis lead screw compensation signed parts per billion.