Okuma Alarms Errors

Okuma alarms and errors.

Okuma Alarm-A 1859 Swing position no output

Okuma Alarm-A 1859 Swing position no output Though the swing position signal had not been output, a Z/C-axis command was issued in manual mode. Probable Faulty Locations 1)Operation error 2)Programming…

Okuma Alarm-A 1860 Axis interlock

Okuma Alarm-A 1860 Axis interlock A Z- or Y-axis movement command is given either in the MDI mode or in the program operation mode while the system is in the…

Okuma Alarm-A 1845 Hand rotation interlock

Okuma Alarm-A 1845 Hand rotation interlock Code None->A hand rotation command was issued with the Y axis out of the hand rotation enabled range (for loader hand rotation types). 1->A…

Okuma Alarm-A 1861 Stroke end over

Okuma Alarm-A 1861 Stroke end over A travel end limit switch is tripped. Probable Faulty Locations Setting error of soft-limits Corrective action 1)Turn ON the emergency limit release switch, provided…

Okuma Alarm-A 1846 Chuck grip confirmation unit faulty

Okuma Alarm-A 1846 Chuck grip confirmation unit faulty The conditions are not met (for optional index chuck grip confirmation types or optional double cylinder chuck types). Code 1->The grip confirmation…

Okuma Alarm-A 1862 Canceling stroke end limit

Okuma Alarm-A 1862 Canceling stroke end limit An operation mode other than manual is selected while the loader axis emergency limit release switch is set in the OFF position. Probable…

Okuma Alarm-A 1847 Tailstock air miss detection input NG

Okuma Alarm-A 1847 Tailstock air miss detection input NG The pressure switch for detecting tailstock air miss turned OFF when the spindle was rotating.

Okuma Alarm-A 1863 Loader interference

Okuma Alarm-A 1863 Loader interference Both of the loaders entered the loader-to-loader interference zone. Code 1->Left(negative) side 2->right(positive)side 3->In an interference zone inside, a loader hand swing instruction was done….

Okuma Alarm-A 1848 Chuck grip failure

Okuma Alarm-A 1848 Chuck grip failure The chuck failed in gripping when closed or a spindle rotation command was issued with nothing gripped by the closed chuck. Object Spindle Probable…

Okuma Alarm-A 1849 Workpiece unloading unit interlock

Okuma Alarm-A 1849 Workpiece unloading unit interlock A work-out unit up command was issued when the spindle was rotating. Code 1->A work-out unit up command was issued before the spindle…

Okuma Alarm-A 1850 Robot/Loader emergency stop

Okuma Alarm-A 1850 Robot/Loader emergency stop An emergent returning pushbutton of a Robot/Loader control panel was pushed.

Okuma Alarm-A 1851 Air pressure insufficient

Okuma Alarm-A 1851 Air pressure insufficient Source pressure of the air system is low(air source pressure/signal is turned off.). Probable Faulty Locations 1)Air line from the air source is not…

Okuma Alarm-A 1852 NC alarm

Okuma Alarm-A 1852 NC alarm When the NC lathe is in the alarm state, “NC lathe M-command” was executed from OGL-Loader to the NC lathe, or when the NC lathe…

Okuma Alarm-A 1840 M code data file mismatch

Okuma Alarm-A 1840 M code data file mismatch The PLC program and M code data file show different version levels.

Okuma Alarm-A 1857 Intrusion interlock

Okuma Alarm-A 1857 Intrusion interlock When the C-axis tried to enter the lathe, the interlock function was activated. Code 1->The lathe door is closed. 2->The robot OK signal is not…

Okuma Alarm-A 1867 No workpiece clamped on hand B

Okuma Alarm-A 1867 No workpiece clamped on hand B When hand B was closed by the hand B close command, it failed to grip the workpiece and the hand close…

Okuma Alarm-A 1874 Interlock release NG

Okuma Alarm-A 1874 Interlock release NG (Loader specification) OFF state of loader interlock cancel output and OFF state of loader interlock cancel/input are continuing more than 500[ms]. Probable Faulty Locations…

Okuma Alarm-A 1875 Safety fence lock NG

Okuma Alarm-A 1875 Safety fence lock NG ON state of Robot safety fence lock output and OFF state of robot safety fence lock cancel input ara continuing more than 1[s]….

Okuma Alarm-A 1864 Z/C-axis not in rotation possible area

Okuma Alarm-A 1864 Z/C-axis not in rotation possible area When the swing rotation command was issued, the Z/C-axis was not in the rotation-enable range. Object 0->No relation to any axis…

Okuma Alarm-A 1865 Swing position indefinite

Okuma Alarm-A 1865 Swing position indefinite The swing axis position input signal went off. Concerning robot swing, input of swing right edge confirmation and left edge confirmation entered it at…

Okuma Alarm-A 1866 No workpiece clamped on hand A

Okuma Alarm-A 1866 No workpiece clamped on hand A When hand A was closed by the hand A close command, it failed to grip the workpiece and the hand close…

Okuma Alarm-A 1868 Wrist broken

Okuma Alarm-A 1868 Wrist broken Loader hand is broken due to excessively large load(hand broken alarm/signal is turned off.). Code None->The Y axis wrist was broken. 2->The V axis wrist…

Okuma Alarm-A 1853 Oil pressure insufficient

Okuma Alarm-A 1853 Oil pressure insufficient Low oil pressure(hydraulic oil pressure/ signal is turned off.) Probable Faulty Locations 1)Low hydraulic oil level 2)Defective hydraulic oil motor

Okuma Alarm-A 1869 Hand open/ close interlock

Okuma Alarm-A 1869 Hand open/ close interlock A hand open or close command is given while the system is in the hand interlock state. Here, the hand interlock state refers…

Okuma Alarm-A 1854 Error detected from externally connected device

Okuma Alarm-A 1854 Error detected from externally connected device An external alarm has occerred(external alarm A/ signal is turned off.).

Okuma Alarm-A 1870 Hand clamp confirmation

Okuma Alarm-A 1870 Hand clamp confirmation This alarm occurs only with the loader of the hand ID/OD gripping selectable specification. A hand close command is executed while the system is…

Okuma Alarm-A 1855 M code time over

Okuma Alarm-A 1855 M code time over The answer to the specified M failed to come ON within the time set at the parameter. Probable Faulty Locations Check of answer…

Okuma Alarm-A 1871 Coupling device error

Okuma Alarm-A 1871 Coupling device error An abnormality is detected with the device coupled with the machine. Probable Faulty Locations An abnormality of the device coupled with the machine Measures…

Okuma Alarm-A 1856 Circuit breaker tripped

Okuma Alarm-A 1856 Circuit breaker tripped The circuit breaker for the loader was activated. Probable Faulty Locations The circuit which includes the activated breaker is shorted. Measures to Take Repair…

Okuma Alarm-A 1876 Swing interlock

Okuma Alarm-A 1876 Swing interlock Code None->They went along a swing order by the condition that there is loader Z axis in a position of swing action badness. Swing action…

Okuma Alarm-A 1877 Robot/Loader power sequence error

Okuma Alarm-A 1877 Robot/Loader power sequence error Code 3->A problem has occurred during robot/loader power ON/OFF sequence. Probable Faulty Locations Error of robot/loader circuit diagram controled by relay Measures to…

Okuma Alarm-A 1878 Machine start impossible

Okuma Alarm-A 1878 Machine start impossible Code 1->A start command (M336) was issued with a machine alarm pending. 2->A start command (M336) was issued with the machine not linked. 3->The…

Okuma Alarm-A 1885 Loader/part turnover device interference

Okuma Alarm-A 1885 Loader/part turnover device interference The loader’s X-axis has been moved while the turn-over unit is not at the retracted position. Probable Faulty Locations 1)Program error 2)Operator’s error

Okuma Alarm-A 1886 Wrist turning position indefinite

Okuma Alarm-A 1886 Wrist turning position indefinite A wrist 90 deg rotation command (M code) was issued with the wrist angular position not fixed. Probable Faulty Locations 1)A programming error…

Okuma Alarm-A 1873 Door interlock

Okuma Alarm-A 1873 Door interlock The front door of the NC machine was opened during loaders operation. Code 1->The signal of area sensor is OFF during loader running when front…