Okuma Alarms Errors

Okuma alarms and errors.

Okuma Alarm-A 1720 Gear command error

Okuma Alarm-A 1720 Gear command error Gear range selection command (M40 through M44) (M242 through M241) not acceptable to the machine is designated. An attempt was made to change the…

Okuma Alarm-A 1721 Gear neutral

Okuma Alarm-A 1721 Gear neutral The spindle rotation command (M03, M04) is designated while the spindle drive gears are in neutral. Object SYSTEM Code 1->The spindle rotation command is designated…

Okuma Alarm-A 1727 C-axis ON/OFF command not possible

Okuma Alarm-A 1727 C-axis ON/OFF command not possible C-axis connect/disconnect command (M110, M109, M892, M891) is designated under illegal conditions. Object SYSTEM Code 1->The spindle is not at zero speed….

Okuma Alarm-A 1764 Tool rotating when T command issued

Okuma Alarm-A 1764 Tool rotating when T command issued A command to index the turret is designated while the M-tool spindle is rotating. Object SYSTEM Probable Faulty Locations 1)Program error…

Okuma Alarm-A 1728 C-axis clamp/unclamp command not possible

Okuma Alarm-A 1728 C-axis clamp/unclamp command not possible C-axis clamp/unclamp (M147/M146) command is designated when the C-axis is not connected. C-axis clamp/unclamp command is given to C-axis under the control…

Okuma Alarm-A 1765 Rotation tool index interlock

Okuma Alarm-A 1765 Rotation tool index interlock The orientation command (M229) for the M-tool spindle is designated under the condition that the M-tool spindle orientation is impossible. Character-string SYSTEM Code…

Okuma Alarm-A 1766 Rotation tool over speed

Okuma Alarm-A 1766 Rotation tool over speed The actual M-tool speed exceeds 120[%] of the maximum M-tool speed specified. Probable Faulty Locations 1)Resolver error 2)Contact failure in resolver connection cable

Okuma Alarm-A 1767 M-axis clutch connection error

Okuma Alarm-A 1767 M-axis clutch connection error With the M-axis one-point clutch function, M-tool spindle rotation, spindle orientation, or flat turning command was issued to initiate oscillation for clutch engagement….

Okuma Alarm-A 1768 Sub-spindle rotation over

Okuma Alarm-A 1768 Sub-spindle rotation over In the main and sub spindle synchronized mode, an attempt is made to rotate the sub-spindle at a speed higher than the maximum speed…

Okuma Alarm-A 1716 M03/M04 change command failure

Okuma Alarm-A 1716 M03/M04 change command failure The spindle reverse rotation command M04 is designated while the spindle is rotating in the forward direction, or the spindle forward rotation command…

Okuma Alarm-A 1717 Unable to use M40, M43, M44 commands

Okuma Alarm-A 1717 Unable to use M40, M43, M44 commands Any of M40, M43 and M44 command is designated for the VAC winding changeover type motor specification. Object SYSTEM Code…

Okuma Alarm-A 1756 Loader inside machine

Okuma Alarm-A 1756 Loader inside machine Probable Faulty Locations Lathe with Auto Loader/Robot Door:Loader at Waiting Position Code is Off. Door Closed Code is On, or Door Close Command is…

Okuma Alarm-A 1757 Loader interlock

Okuma Alarm-A 1757 Loader interlock Loader door interlock is activated when a loader move command (M37 to M39) is designated. Code 1->A loader move command is designated when the door…

Okuma Alarm-A 1761 Revolution tool gear mismatch

Okuma Alarm-A 1761 Revolution tool gear mismatch Mismatch between the gear range command and the position of gear range setting limit switches occurs while the M-tool spindle is rotating. Object…

Okuma Alarm-A 1762 Revolution tool gear interlock

Okuma Alarm-A 1762 Revolution tool gear interlock The M-tool spindle gear command values are checked with the machine specifications. If an improper value is detected, this alarm occurs. Object SYSTEM…

Okuma Alarm-A 1726 C-axis command not possible

Okuma Alarm-A 1726 C-axis command not possible C-axis movement command is designated while it is not acceptable. Object SYSTEM Code 1->C-axis is not connected. 2->C-axis is not unclamped. Probable Faulty…

Okuma Alarm-A 1763 Tool revolution interlock

Okuma Alarm-A 1763 Tool revolution interlock The M-tool rotation command is designated under the condition that the M-tool spindle must not rotate, or the condition of the Mtool spindle rotation…

Okuma Alarm-A 1769 Sub-spindle index interlock

Okuma Alarm-A 1769 Sub-spindle index interlock The sub-spindle orientation command is designated while the spindle and the sub-spindle are controlled in the synchronization mode. Object SYSTEM Code 6->Main and sub…

Okuma Alarm-A 1770 Door interlock

Okuma Alarm-A 1770 Door interlock Any of the following operations is attempted while the door is open with the door interlock function ON. Spindle rotation, axis movement, turret indexing, M-tool…

Okuma Alarm-A 1758 Loader not at escape position

Okuma Alarm-A 1758 Loader not at escape position When the loader is not in the retract position, the loader door close command is issued or the front door close confirmation…

Okuma Alarm-A 1759 Loader/robot not at escape position

Okuma Alarm-A 1759 Loader/robot not at escape position Lathe with Auto Loader/Robot Door: Loader at Waiting Position Code is Off. Door Closed Code is On, or Door Close Command is…

Okuma Alarm-A 1760 Revolution tool M13/M14 change not possible

Okuma Alarm-A 1760 Revolution tool M13/M14 change not possible In the automatic or MDI mode of operation, 1)Reverse rotation command is designated while the M-tool spindle is rotating in the…

Okuma Alarm-A 1737 Turret unclamp interlock

Okuma Alarm-A 1737 Turret unclamp interlock The M203 command is not designated in the block including G00. Object SYSTEM Code None->The M203 command is not designated in the block including…

Okuma Alarm-A 1738 Turret rotation impossible

Okuma Alarm-A 1738 Turret rotation impossible A turret index command was issued while the parameter bit for turret pulse handle feed is ON. Object SYSTEM Code 1->A turret pulse handle…

Okuma Alarm-A 1739 Chuck clamp pressure insufficient

Okuma Alarm-A 1739 Chuck clamp pressure insufficient During a chuck open/close operation, ID/OD gripping direction is changed. Or low chucking pressure state has continued for more than 2[s]. Object SYSTEM…

Okuma Alarm-A 1740 Chuck open/close interlock

Okuma Alarm-A 1740 Chuck open/close interlock A chuck open/close command (M83, M84) was issued while the spindle or M-tool was in rotation. Chuck open/close was attempted with the external interlock…

Okuma Alarm-A 1745 Chucking miss

Okuma Alarm-A 1745 Chucking miss Code None->The chucking error detection pressure switch is not actuated although a workpiece is clamped in the chuck. Or the workpiece is not clamped in…

Okuma Alarm-A 1746 Chuck missclamp

Okuma Alarm-A 1746 Chuck missclamp Code 1->The chuck is clamped without workpiece. 2->A spindle rotation command was issued when the chuck was clamped without workpiece. (Spindle index) 3->The tailstock side…

Okuma Alarm-A 1747 No tailstock quill advance answer

Okuma Alarm-A 1747 No tailstock quill advance answer Tailstock spindle in-position answer signal is not input within 60[s] after the tailstock spindle advance command M56 has been executed. Code 2->Tailstock…

Okuma Alarm-A 1748 Tailstock quill advance over

Okuma Alarm-A 1748 Tailstock quill advance over The tailstock spindle has over-advanced, exceeding the advance end limit position. Code 1->The tailstock spindle over-advanced to actuate the over-advance confirmation LS 2->The…

Okuma Alarm-A 1749 Tailstock quill command error

Okuma Alarm-A 1749 Tailstock quill command error When the tailstock spindle advance/retraction (M55/M56) command is designated, the spindle and/or the M-tool spindle is not in the stopped state. A tailstock…

Okuma Alarm-A 1750 Tailstock interference

Okuma Alarm-A 1750 Tailstock interference The tow-along type automatic rest and the tailstock interfered each other, or G152 (tailstock movement by program) is designated while the tow-along type automatic rest…

Okuma Alarm-A 1751 Tow-along tailstock ON/OFF interlock

Okuma Alarm-A 1751 Tow-along tailstock ON/OFF interlock M188 (Tailstock disconnect), or M189 (Tailstock connect) is designated with G15 calling for tailstock towing mode while the spindle is not in zero…

Okuma Alarm-A 1736 Pickoff index interlock

Okuma Alarm-A 1736 Pickoff index interlock With pickoff-spindle specification models, pickoff-spindle rotation or pickoff-spindle synchronized rotation with the main spindle is commanded though the pickoff spindle is not indexed. Or…

Okuma Alarm-A 1752 Tow-along tailstock clamp/unclamp error

Okuma Alarm-A 1752 Tow-along tailstock clamp/unclamp error Neither connection ON nor connection OFF signal is output for more than 6[s]. Both connection ON and connection OFF signals are output for…