Selca G32 End of internal subroutine and return to the main program
Selca G32 End of internal subroutine and return to the main program
As Haas subprogram commands M97 M98 are already briefly described with subprogram examples, read here Haas M97 Local Subprogram Call with CNC Program Example Haas M98 Subprogram Call with Basic…
Main Program %21 (FRAISAGE DE TROIS EMPREINTES) N10 G90 G80 G40 G71 N20 G0 G52 Z0 N30 T1 D1 M6 (FRAISE SPHER DIAM = 6) N40 G94 F212 N50 G97…
Selca G9999 Synchronization of program execution with tool path display Programming G9999 Enabled: only in the block in which it is programmed.
Fadal L93NN Bolt Hole Circle (BHC) Fadal L93NN subroutine is used for pattern drilling in a circle usually called Bolt Hole Circle. ContentsProgrammingParametersProgramming ExampleFadal Bolt Hole Circle Example Program Programming…
Selca G1000 G1001 Graphic execution of a program sequence ContentsG1000 Cancels G1001ProgrammingG1001 Graphic execution of a program sequenceProgramming G1000 Cancels G1001 G1000 Cancels G1001 Programming G1000 G1001 Graphic execution of…
Selca G50 G51 Offset / rotation of the coordinate system on the plane ContentsG50 Cancels the offset/rotationProgrammingG51 Offset / rotationProgrammingParameters G50 Cancels the offset/rotation G50 Cancels the offset / rotation…
Selca CNC 4000/3000 Series control G-Functions/ G-codes for cnc machinists who work on cnc machines with Selca cnc controls. These Selca G Functions work on following Selca cnc controls, Selca…
ContentsSelca G21 ChamferProgrammingParametersSelca G21 Linking radiusProgrammingParameters Selca G21 Chamfer G21 Chamfer Programming G21 J… Parameters Parameter Description J Chamfer value (distance from the vertex). Selca G21 Linking radius Selca G21…
ContentsG78 Last point of polygonal pocketProgrammingG78 Circular pocket millingProgrammingParameters G78 Last point of polygonal pocket Selca G78 Last point of a polygonal pocket without finish pass Programming G78 X… Y……
Fanuc programming example which shows the use of multiple fanuc canned cycle in cnc programming, Following canned cycle are used in this cnc lathe programming example G71 Rough Turning Cycle…
Selca G35 Ends programming of the profile delimiting the zone of ruled surface to be machined Programming G35
ContentsHaas M98 Subprogram CallHaas M98 Subprogram Call FormatHaas M98 Subprogram Example Haas M98 Subprogram Call Haas M98 Sub Program Call code is used to call subroutines (subprograms). The subprogram must…
Selca G20 Circle of known center and radius ContentsProgrammingParameters Programming G20 [X… Y…] [I…] [K…] Parameters Parameter Description X,Y Circle center coordinates. May be omitted if coinciding with the center…
Selca G72 G73 Subprogram modal recall ContentsG72 Cancels subprogram modal recall (G73)ProgrammingG73 Subprogram modal recallProgrammingParameters G72 Cancels subprogram modal recall (G73) G72 Cancels subprogram modal recall (G73) Programming G72 G73…
Selca G83 Deep drilling fixed cycle with tool retraction for chip discharge ContentsProgrammingParameters Programming G83 [X… Y…] Z… J… I… [Q…] [K…] [F…] [D0=…] [D7=1] [D8=…] [D9=1] Parameters Parameter Description…
Selca G10 First point or circle that defines a straight line ContentsProgrammingParameters Programming G10 X… Y… [I…] Parameters Parameter Description X,Y Circle center or supporting point coordinates. I Circle radius…
(5.0 x 5.0 x 0.500 DP. Square Pocket) Main Program % O01001 T1 M06 (Tool #1 is a 0.500” diameter endmill) G90 G54 G00 X0. Y1.5 (XY Start Point) S2000…
Selca G85 Reaming fixed cycle ContentsProgrammingParameters Programming G85 [X… Y…] Z… I… [Q…] [K…] [F…] [D8=…] [D9=1] Parameters Parameter Description X,Y hole coordinates. Z hole bottom plane. J hole starting…
Selca G80 Cancels fixed cycles Programming G80
ContentsG28 Reference Point ReturnProgrammingExamplesExample 1Example 2 G28 Reference Point Return G28 reference point return G-code is used to approach the reference point via an intermediate position. The intermediate position can…