Selca G730 G731 High speed milling of profiles defined by points

Selca G730 G731 High speed milling of profiles defined by points

G730 Cancels G731

G730 Cancels G731 (Only for S3000 Series CNCs)



G731 High speed milling of profiles defined by points

G731 High speed milling of profiles defined by points (Only for S3000 Series CNCs)


G731 [I...] [J…] [Q…] [D0=…] [D1=…] [D14=…]


Ilowest feed rate allowed (I=200 mm/min by default).
Jangle below which no feed rate compensation is applied (J=7 by default).
Qmultiplication factor for machine acceleration (Q=1 by default).
D0tool path graphic display:
D0=1 graphic display disabled (default value).
D0=0 graphic display enabled.
D1=geometric filter on the programmed points. All the points whose distance from the theoretical curve is lower than D1 are ignored (D1=0 by default: the points are not filtered).
D14=coefficient of edge rounding-off (from 2 to 6). The higher the value of D14, the softer the movement of the axes, but the greater the rounding. Program with an average value, for instance D14=4. Available from 45990322 version.

Enabled: until a G730 or a M30 is programmed.