Selca G732 G733 High speed milling of profiles defined by points with S speed ramp

Selca G732 G733 High speed milling of profiles defined by points with S speed ramp

G732 Cancels G733

G732 Cancels G733



G733 High speed milling of profiles

G733 High speed milling of profiles defined by points with S speed ramp


G733 [K...] [Q...] [D0=...] [D1=...] [D8=…]


Kedge rounding tolerance. To prevent jerks on the axes, geometrical discontinuities are eliminated by inserting spline type curves on the edges, on the plane or in space. K represents the maximum error allowed for the resulting continuous trajectory.
(By default: K=0.01 mm). The higher the value of K, the lower the work execution time.
Qwork acceleration multiplication factor. (By default: Q= value configured in the system SETUP). Must not exceed the machine’s limit acceleration, normally its rapid rate. The higher the value of Q, the lower the work time.
D0=request for graphic display of the tool path. (If not programmed, D0=1).
D0=1 display off.
D0=0 display on.
D1=geometric filter on the programmed points. All the points whose distance from the theoretical curve is lower than D1 (maximum two points out of 3) are ignored (By default: D1=0.01: the points are filtered).
D1=0 it cancels geometric filter.
D8=“JERK” value (typically between 10% and 50% of the maximum acceleration). (By default: D8= value configured in the system SETUP) If D8=0 the system automatically calculates a jerk value according to the acceleration. The jerk value must offer the best compromise between the softest movement and the machining time. Small Jerk values lead to softer movement but increased machining