Selca G740 G746 G748 G749 4-axis surface machining
G740 Cancels G748 and G749
G740 Cancels G748 and G749
G746 Defers G748 cycle
G746 Defers G748 cycle
G748 4-axis surface machining
G748 4-axis surface machining (S4045P and Export versions) or 4/5-axis (S3045P, S4060D and S4045P) with rotary tables or tilting tables (dynamic TCPM)
G748 [A] [B] [C] [D0=...] [X...] [Y...] [Z...]
Parameter | Description |
A, B, C | axis name. |
D0= | selects the operating mode: D0=1 the table always rotates about the tool tip. D0=0 (default) the table rotates about the point where the tool tip was when the G748 was programmed. This point can be moved by programming the X…, Y…, Z… offset values. For a correct use of G748, the axis of rotation of the tables must be defined by performing the TABLEZEROSETTING procedure. |
Enabled: until a G740 is programmed.
G749 4-axis surface machining
G749 4-axis surface machining (S4045P and Export versions) or 4/5 axis (S3045P, S4060D and S4045P) with 1/2-axis rotary heads (dynamic TCPM)
G749 [A] [B] [C] [I...] [J...] [Q...] [K...] [D0=1] [D1=...]
Parameter | Description |
A, B | rotary axis name. |
I,J,Q | positive or negative offset values for the point of rotation. Failing these parameters, the rotation occurs about the tool tip. |
K | for heads with opposing spindles: K0 first spindle. K1 second spindle. |
D0=1 | all calculations are referred to head zero position, irrespective of the head position when G749 is programmed. With D0=1, cycle restart and block search are possible. For a correct use of G749, the head zero position must be defined by performing the HEAD ZERO SETTING procedure. |
D1= | head number (from 1 to 8). By default: D1=1. |
Enabled: until a G740 is programmed.