Selca G777 Opens profile pocket programming and set parameters

Selca G777 Opens profile pocket programming and set parameters


G777 Z... J... I... [Q...] [D1=...] [D2=...] [D3=...] [D4=...] [D5=...] [D6=...] [D7=1]


Zpocket bottom depth.
Jstarting depth.
Ipass depth.
Qclearance height for tool rapid out moves (Q=J+2 by default).
D1=inclined pass angle (D1=0 by default).
D2=finish stock allowance (D2=0 by default) removed only if G779 is programmed).
D3=parameter defining the mill path from the last point of a pass to the first point of the next one. If D3=0 the positioning to the starting point of the next pass is carried out at theQclearance height. If D3 is a large value, such as 100, the mill follows the pocket profile at the current depth.
The default value is D3=5.
D4=tool clearance distance when descending to the working depth (D4=2 by default)
D5=percentage of F – feed rate variation during depth increment.
D6=pass stop distance from pocket external profile (D6=0.2 by default).
D7=1no finish contouring of pocket external profile.