Selca G881 Copying cycle start
G881 X... Y... I... K... Q... F...
Parameter | Description |
X or Y or Z | coordinates of a point (not reached by the probe) providing the approach direction to the model starting from the current probe position. |
I | pass increment, positive or negative. For radial copying (mode 8) the increment is defined in degrees. |
K | copying direction after contacting the model: K1 probe to the left of the model. K2 probe to the right of the model. Left or right position is defined with model profile referred to a cartesian axis system in which the abscissa and the ordinate are respectively: XY for the XY-copying plane (K0 in G877). ZX for the ZX-copying plane (K1 in G877). YZ for the ZX-copying plane (K1 in G877). |
Q | percentage of copying speed variation during pass increment: E.g. Q1: increment speed=copying speed. Q0.5: increment speed = 1/2 copying speed (Q=0.25 by default). |
F | Copying speed. The speed in the first two profile learning passes (if the G888 code is programmed) is equal to the F defined by the G888. |
Enabled: until completion of the copying cycle.