Sinumerik Alarms
Siemens Sinumerik Alarms Errors SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D
Sinumerik Alarm 105070 Please wait: Initialization of the simulation started!
Sinumerik Alarm 105070 Please wait: Initialization of the simulation started! Definitions: The graphic travel path is being initialized. Reactions: – – Remedy: – Program Continuation: Internal
Sinumerik Alarm 109002 No switchover: Target PLC occupied, try again
Sinumerik Alarm 109002 No switchover: Target PLC occupied, try again Definitions: MMC would like to go online to this NCU. MMC has called the target PLC and is awaiting acknowledgement….
Sinumerik Alarm 109004 No switchover: PLC occupied by higher-priority MMC’s
Sinumerik Alarm 109004 No switchover: PLC occupied by higher-priority MMC’s Definitions: The MMC is attempting to switch to an NCU that is occupied by two higher-priority MMC’s. Reactions: – –…
Sinumerik Alarm 109005 No switchover: No displaceable MMC at the target PLC
Sinumerik Alarm 109005 No switchover: No displaceable MMC at the target PLC Definitions: MMC would like to go online to this NCU. At this NCU, two MMC’s are online on…
Sinumerik Alarm 109006 No switchover: Selected channel invalid
Sinumerik Alarm 109006 No switchover: Selected channel invalid Definitions: At this NCU, the MMC was switched to a channel that does not exist there. Reactions: – – Remedy: Set up…
Sinumerik Alarm 109003 No switchover: Switchover disable set in target PLC
Sinumerik Alarm 109003 No switchover: Switchover disable set in target PLC Definitions: MMC would like to go online to this NCU. The MMC switchover is disabled in the MMC PLC…
Sinumerik Alarm 109007 Channel switchover running
Sinumerik Alarm 109007 Channel switchover running Definitions: The channel switchover has been initiated. A different MMC may have to be displaced. Reactions: – – Remedy: – Program Continuation: Internal
Sinumerik Alarm 105062 Error when closing the file!
Sinumerik Alarm 105062 Error when closing the file! Definitions: The specified file could not be closed. System-internal error that does not occur in normal operation. Reactions: – – Remedy: –…
Sinumerik Alarm 109008 Activation is running
Sinumerik Alarm 109008 Activation is running Definitions: The switchover from the passive operating mode to the active operating mode has been initiated. Reactions: – – Remedy: – Program Continuation: Internal
Sinumerik Alarm 111001 Non-interpretable step in line %1
Sinumerik Alarm 111001 Non-interpretable step in line %1 Parameters: %1 = Line number Definitions: The step is not an element of ManualTurn. Easystep sequencer is not loaded. Reactions: – Alarm…
Sinumerik Alarm 111002 Insufficient memory, abort in line %1
Sinumerik Alarm 111002 Insufficient memory, abort in line %1 Parameters: %1 = Line number Definitions: Easystep sequencer has too many steps. Easystep sequencer is not loaded. Reactions: – Alarm display….
Sinumerik Alarm 111010 Teach-in interruption: Log overflow
Sinumerik Alarm 111010 Teach-in interruption: Log overflow Definitions: The Teach-in procedure was interrupted. Teach-in file is closed. Reactions: – Alarm display. Remedy: In the machine data 9606: $MM_CTM_SIMULATION_TIME_NEW_POS the value…
Sinumerik Alarm 111004 File faulty or not available: %1
Sinumerik Alarm 111004 File faulty or not available: %1 Parameters: %1 = File/Contour name Definitions: Easystep sequencer cannot interpret a step with contour programming. Contour not in the directory. Reactions:…
Sinumerik Alarm 111006 Maximum number of contour elements exceeded %1
Sinumerik Alarm 111006 Maximum number of contour elements exceeded %1 Parameters: %1 = Contour name Definitions: The maximum permissible number of 50 contour elements was exceeded when interpreting the machining…
Sinumerik Alarm 111007 Error in line %1 %2
Sinumerik Alarm 111007 Error in line %1 %2 Parameters: %1 = Line number %2 = Error description Definitions: – Reactions: – NC Start disable in this channel. – Alarm display….
Sinumerik Alarm 111008 Spindle not synchronized
Sinumerik Alarm 111008 Spindle not synchronized Definitions: Spindle not synchronized. Reactions: – Alarm display. Remedy: Let the spindle run at least one revolution (M3, M4). Program Continuation: Internal
Sinumerik Alarm 111009 Load new tool: T%1 Parameters: %1 = Tool number
Sinumerik Alarm 111009 Load new tool: T%1 Parameters: %1 = Tool number Definitions: Tool change program requests a new tool. Reactions: – Alarm display. – NC Stop on alarm. Remedy:…
Sinumerik Alarm 111003 ManualTurn: %1
Sinumerik Alarm 111003 ManualTurn: %1 Parameters: %1 = Error code Definitions: Internal system message over the ManualTurn operator panel. Reactions: – Alarm display. Remedy: Acknowledge error and inform Siemens. Program…
Sinumerik Alarm 111005 Error when interpreting the contour %1 Parameters: %1 = Contour name
Sinumerik Alarm 111005 Error when interpreting the contour %1 Parameters: %1 = Contour name Definitions: Contour is faulty. Reactions: – Alarm display. Remedy: Check the contour’s machining sequence. Program Continuation:…
Sinumerik Alarm 111106 No spindle stop for a block change
Sinumerik Alarm 111106 No spindle stop for a block change Definitions: The displayed spindle has been programmed as spindle or as axis even though a positioning operation is still running…
Sinumerik Alarm 111100 Wrong position programmed for the spindle
Sinumerik Alarm 111100 Wrong position programmed for the spindle Definitions: A position beyond the range of 0 -359.999 has been programmed for a modulo axis. Reactions: – Interpreter stop –…
Sinumerik Alarm 111105 No measuring system available
Sinumerik Alarm 111105 No measuring system available Definitions: SPCON, SPOS or SPOSA has been programmed. These functions require at least one measuring system. According to MD: NUM_ENCS the machine axis/spindle…
Sinumerik Alarm 111110 Velocity/Speed is negative
Sinumerik Alarm 111110 Velocity/Speed is negative Definitions: The alarms 111110, 111115, 111126, 111127 and 111200 can occur at spindle start/stop. Reactions: – Alarm display. Remedy: Inform the service department. Please…
Sinumerik Alarm 111127 Absolute value plus not possible
Sinumerik Alarm 111127 Absolute value plus not possible Definitions: The alarms 111110, 111115, 111126, 111127 and 111200 can occur at spindle start/stop. The alarms 111110, 111115, 111126, 111127 and 111200…
Sinumerik Alarm 111107 Reference mark not found
Sinumerik Alarm 111107 Reference mark not found Definitions: When referencing, the spindle turned through a greater distance than given in the axis- specific machine data 34,060 REFP_MAX_MARKER_DIST, without receiving a…
Sinumerik Alarm 111108 No transition from speed control mode to position control mode
Sinumerik Alarm 111108 No transition from speed control mode to position control mode Definitions: • An oriented spindle stop (SPOS/SPOSA) has been programmed or the position control of the spindle…
Sinumerik Alarm 111109 Configured positioning velocity is too high
Sinumerik Alarm 111109 Configured positioning velocity is too high Definitions: When referencing, the spindle turned through a greater distance than given in the axis- specific machine data 34,060 REFP_MAX_MARKER_DIST, without…
Sinumerik Alarm 111126 Absolute value minus not possible
Sinumerik Alarm 111126 Absolute value minus not possible Definitions: The alarms 111110, 111115, 111126, 111127 and 111200 can occur at spindle start/stop. Reactions: – Alarm display. Remedy: Inform the service…
Sinumerik Alarm 111200 Spindle positioning error
Sinumerik Alarm 111200 Spindle positioning error Definitions: The alarms 111110, 111115, 111126, 111127 and 111200 can occur at spindle start/stop. Reactions: – Alarm display. Remedy: Inform the service department. Please…
Sinumerik Alarm 111300 NC start key defective
Sinumerik Alarm 111300 NC start key defective Definitions: Acknowledgement to the PLC user program, that the NC start key is defective, i.e., NC and NO signal = 1. Reactions: –…
Sinumerik Alarm 111301 NC stop key defective
Sinumerik Alarm 111301 NC stop key defective Definitions: Acknowledgement to the PLC user program, that the NC stop key is defective, i.e., NC and NO signal = 1. Reactions: –…
Sinumerik Alarm 111303 Spindle stop key defective
Sinumerik Alarm 111303 Spindle stop key defective Definitions: Acknowledgement to the PLC user program, that the spindle stop key is defective, i.e., NC and NO signal = 1. Reactions: –…
Sinumerik Alarm 111304 Connection to the PLC broken off
Sinumerik Alarm 111304 Connection to the PLC broken off Definitions: Acknowledgement to the PLC user program, that the connection with MANUALTURN has been broken off. Reactions: – Alarm display. Remedy:…
Sinumerik Alarm 111111 Setpoint speed is zero
Sinumerik Alarm 111111 Setpoint speed is zero Definitions: The programmed spindle speed setpoint is zero. Reactions: – Alarm display. Remedy: Set permissible spindle speed setpoint. Program Continuation: Internal
Sinumerik Alarm 111112 Invalid gear stage
Sinumerik Alarm 111112 Invalid gear stage Definitions: An invalid gear stage was requested by the PLC. Reactions: – Alarm display. Remedy: Check the PLC program and axis-specific NC machine data….